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So, I had to wait till the last week of June to be able to access the July Calendar. I was very happy because the Pantheon was the only site that I had left to book for my upcoming Europe trip with my family.
After getting the process from Musei italiani Musei, I eagerly set to get the tickets. All went wel until I reached to Purchase the tickets. They went to “Pago Pay” -( something I never heard of) and never gave me an avenue to use my visa credit card to book the tickets. In their privacy policy and rules, they did say to use the credit card regardless. But there was no form or dialog box to do that.
Has anybody been successful in booking the Pantheon tickets online with Visa card? Please help , assist or guide me.

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768 posts

A number of members of this forum have found that you cannot buy Pantheon tickets using a credit card while in the US. All (including myself) have been successful when using PayPal from the US.

Conversely you could show up at 8:00 or 8:30 with cash in hand. The cash line seems to move quickly.

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10 posts

In Rome last week, in credit card line around 4 pm and took 5 minutes to get ticket and get in.

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19 posts

In Rome two weeks ago, we paid cash, no wait at all. The people with advanced tickets and those buying tix with credit cards had to stand in a very long line in full sun. Just show up and pay cash!

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4 posts

I had the same problem. Here is the response I received from the museum help desk:

"At the end of the transaction, when you can view the summary of your purchase, you should change the bank handling the process to Nexi or Intesa San Paolo."

I changed the bank handling the transaction to Intesa San Paolo and the transaction successfully went through.