Is there a train from Rome to Palo del Calle. I want to go there so badly even if it only for a few hours, just to see what it looks like, as my grandparents are from that town. I have no luck with buses and I don't want to drive. Can anyone help me? Pattie
I don't know where palo del calle is.
There is a Palo del Colle near Bari. You have to go from Rome to Bari (4 hours) then take a bus or a train from there.
Hi, That is the Palo Del Calle I am trying to get to. I can't find the tourism Office's website. And a lot of what I have found is in Italian and I can not read what it says. Darn I should of learned Italian from my Grandfather.....
Try Google translate or Bing translate.
No need to translate anything. Go to and enter: FROM: Roma Termini TO: Bitetto-Palo del Colle
DATE: Choose date HOUR: enter 00 Search. You'll see that you will get a train first to Bari Centrale (about 4 hours), where you will change trains and take a Regionale train to Bitetto-Palo del Colle (15-20 min). The station is actually in Bitetto, less than 3 km from Palo del Colle. I'm sure you can take a taxi or bus from there. Or, as an altrnative, at Bari Centrale you can take a train with a private company called Ferrovie Appulo Lucane (FAL). These are commuter trains connecting Bari to Matera via Altamura. The FAL line is different from the Trenitalia line, but the FAL Palo del Colle station is in Palo del Colle proper, rather than in the next door town Bitetto. The FAL station at Bari Centrale is next to the Trenitalia station. Just ask for the FAL station. FAL also runs buses to Palo del Colle from Bari but those don't depart from the station. Get the train schedule below (pdf)
Roberto, Thank you that information it was very helpful. I have been trying to find a guide that would meet us in Palo del Calle, but no luck. I am not that good on Facebook, and that is probably where I would find somebody. I thought the town hall would have a list. But I cannot find an email address for them either. Have you ever been there? Is there anyone on this site that has been there? I am also a little afraid of being dropped off in a Strange town that I do not know the language ....and restaurants, etc. would be helpful. I leave Thursday afternoon from Denver and still have not figured out how to get to my Grandfather's town. Thank you again
I've never been there (I've been to Bari and other places in Apulia, but never at Palo del Colle. If you don't know how to use Facebook, don't ask me because I'm not in it. I don't like that level of lack of privacy. My only relationship with Facebook is that I have to drive in front of their headquarters twice a day on my way to/from work. And that is bad enough since they cause a lot of back up on the Dunbarton bridge. Do a search on google entering:
NOLEGGIO CON CONDUCENTE PALO DEL COLLE. Noleggio con Conducente (or N.C.C) is Italian for "Car Hire with Driver". I doubt there are guides there, I don't think it's a major tourist destination. I'd never heard of it before this post.
Roberto, I feel the same way about privacy ....but I am desperate to find this place. I will be so close in Rome.... I have never posted anything on Facebook, but I guess I will have to break down and ask my son can help me with Facebook.... Thank you for all your help.