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Palermo to Cefalu

We will start a RS tour in Palermo shortly, we will have a couple extra days in Palermo before the tour starts, is it worth going to Cefalu for a day ? Any suggestions /

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28453 posts

I liked Cefalu well enough to recommend it as a day-trip from Palermo. I believe Rick said on one of his videos that it was his favorite place in Sicily, which I found a bit perplexing given the many other options, but to each his own.

Cefalu's a picturesque, old former fishing village that's now popular with beach-goers. It's easy to reach by train, and (given that it's not beach weather), one day should be plenty of time there. In season you'd see rather a lot of shops selling beach gear to tourists, but things may look a bit more "natural" in April. There are lots of restaurants. I bet you can find a place for lunch with an ocean view. I am assuming (without any experience whatsoever) that the town will be lively enough for you to have multiple restaurant options, even in April.

I don't know how much time the tour spends in Palermo itself, but that city has nearly uncountable lovely churches and oratorios, plus two picturesque markets. I'm guessing the tour goes to Monreale, so you don't need to make a trip there by yourselves.

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11613 posts

I love Cefalu. Definitely worth a visit. The cathedral apse mosaic is similar to those in the Cathedral at Monreale and the Capella Palatina in Palermo, but my favorite is the one in Cefalu.

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15798 posts

It's definitely worth going to Cefalu. I recommend an overnight. I was there in late April 2014. It's touristy yet tasteful. I left my luggage at my Palermo hotel and went with a small overnight bag.

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1135 posts

Hello, just wondering if you ended up going to Cefalu? We are doing the RS Sicily tour in October and we also arrive early. I am looking at Cefalu as a day trip from Palermo before the tour starts. Thanks in advance for any tips!

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194 posts

Yes Cefalu is interesting , we took the trail up and walked around La Rocca above Cefalu, info in the Lonely Planet book, great views of the town, the Doumo and the coast, costs I think 4 or 5 euros, trail opens around 9:00am, Our original plan was to be up on top for the sunrise, luckly that did not work out and we got to the entrance about 8:45. The
duomo and grounds are interesting although they are working on the mosaics inside the Duomo, the same people I believe did the mosaics for Cefalu, the Palatine Chapel in Palermo ( definitely worth seeing and tour did not go there) and also the Duomo in Monreale which the tour does go to. The mosaics are the largest of the three in Monreale and you could spend more time there but the tour time is limited.. So Palatine Chapel is much smaller and you can take your time. Have fun, we thought the tour was great, we were there the first of May, our guide was Alfio and he was exceptional. Also some interesting cathedrals around Piazza Bellini, and Piazza Pretoria, the La Martorana Cathedral has a interesting interior also. I believe the tour went in there and also San Cataldo Cathedral which are both around the Piazza Bellini.

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11613 posts

Cefalu has a nice beach, shopping, the Rocca nod the Duomo, but the mosaics are being restored. The Capella Palatina was very crowded in June and you cannot get close enough to the mosaic to have a proper perspective. Beautiful, though.