I am hoping someone here has experience obtaining tickets to the Palazzo Vecchio Secret Passages tour. No matter what date I put in at the official website, it seems to have no availability. We are hoping for a tour for 5 people on October 16, 2019. The information on the website says the English tours are Wednesday and Sunday at 4pm, with a maximum of 10 people per tour. I am assuming these tickets are sold out. Is anyone aware of any outside tour groups that provide this tour? Since this is high on the list of things the family wants to do, I don't mind paying more to use a tour company. Does anyone here have info that would help me? If I go with an outside tour, I am not sure who I can trust.
It is probably just too early to book the site.
Is that the website you mean? http://musefirenze.it/en/attivita/percorsi-segreti/
I can see you should submit request through website form and they will contact you back with the availability. Email can be found easily as well
I believe this is the website the OP is using:
I made a request several weeks ago and their response is the Fall schedule won't be available until August.
Thanks to each of you for your input. I guess I need to wait until August and hope for the best.
Did you try viator.com?
Viator is just a reseller and to my opinion is not a reliable source of the information of the kind.
Agreed, but sometimes it is a way to get tickets when you can’t get them from the source. For example, tickets for The Last Supper in Milan were sold out on the website for my preferred date, but I was able to get one through Viator- worth looking into, IMO.