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Pack a skirt/dress for Italy?

I am trying valiantly to keep luggage to a minimum. Is it worth it to pack a skirt/top & shoes to wear in Italy? I will be packing nice slax with blouses plus fancy cotton tees.

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9 posts

I faced the same dilemma, but managed very well without skirt or dress in April, at nice restaurants even. I never felt out of place at all. Had it been summer, I would have brought one.

Posted by
11507 posts

It can be so hot in Rome, I mean sticky die heat,, and a sundress or floaty skirt can be a lifesaver , especially since shorts are not allowed in churches and are a bit casual for the city anyways.
I would absolutely bring at least one skirt, you can mix and match a few tops with a basic skirt so it is worth its space in the suitcase.

Posted by
2575 posts

Yes. I have a lightweight reversable skirt (easily washed & dried overnight) that was a lifesaver esp. in Rome when it was unexpectedly hot. Pick a skirt that goes with the blouses and tees you're taking already. See this thread re a suggested skirt: Here

Posted by
26 posts

Thanks to advice from this board, I tossed the skirt, slip and panty hose and didn't miss them one bit! Nice slacks, a pretty top and a scarf will take you comfortably anywhere you choose to go...even the opera! I was more than happy to save that weight and space in my luggage.

Posted by
60 posts

I agree about the sundresses for summer travel ANYWHERE. They can be dressed up with sandals and jewelry or dressed down with flip flops. I bought three for my first trip to Italy this July. My Florence (go to museum) dress, my Rome (walk the ruins or dress up to Vatican) dress and my Venice (dance on the square flirty) dress. Ha, my husband though just doesn't get it...;)

Posted by
120 posts

Depends - do you wear skirts and dresses a lot at home? If so, bring. If not, don't.
(I learned that by experience. On a 3-week trip to Europe, I brought 2 skirts, and wore one of them just once. Capris were fine for me for hot weather.)

Posted by
5 posts

Thanks for the replies, and no - I don't normally wear skirts/dresses. I usually wear nice slax outfits when I go out. I am a plus size and feel more comfortable in them. We will be going in early June, hopefully it won't be too hot.

Posted by
21 posts

I found some great light weight pants that I am loving while I'm over here. They're a cotton blend and they come off the line or out of the drier looking pretty good. They have the capability of rolling up (buttons and loops) to be capri's or down to be long pants and they have buttons and zippers but also a draw string at the waist. This has become important with all this walking since I've apparently lost weight since I've been here! I bought them at Target and Old Navy, BTW. During the day I dress them down with some nice looking plain T-shirts that I bought that have decorative necklines (lace, ribbons, etc) and for the evening I have a fancy-ish tanktop and a white blouse to wear over the top. I found one at Walmart or Target that has enough of something in it that it doesn't wrinkle. I brought a dress but I have a feeling that it was a waste of space.

Posted by
101 posts

I have come across a unique travel skirt I am planning to buy for my trip to Italy. It is called the Macabi Skirt®
advertised as "the Original Adventure Travel Skirt"
Not fancy but functional.

Posted by
1455 posts

Barbara since you are not a skirt person, don't pack it. Pack the stuff you're used to. Remember you are the one who's going to carry and wear the clothes... lol...

For those who do like a skirt, I found a great crinkled one at The saavy skirt comes with a hidden pocket, which is a decent alternative to the money belt.

Posted by
30 posts

the only reason i'm not bringing a dress is that a money belt seems impractical under one!

Posted by
65 posts

While it's hard to imagine wearing a skirt while traveling in the winter, I find it hard to imagine wearing slacks in the summer. I travel a great deal, only use a small carry-on, and manage to look very fashionable. (Wearing a money-belt under a skirt is very doable & concealable.)

The only beef I have with the Rick Steves franchise is the "comfort is the only thing that matters" mantra that many purport. Traveling "close to the ground" also means looking like the locals, which means looking fashionable in most cases: Comfort & class need not be mutually exclusive.

After the trip when I view my pictures, what I find satisfying- and know most others would too- is seeing how I "fit in" with the European scenery. At a time when America & Americans need all the good P.R. they can get, I wish more American travelers would take this to heart. A good rule of thumb: if it works at Disneyworld, it probably won't work in Europe.

Posted by
1455 posts

The skirt by Ex Officio has a hidden pocket in the inside of the skirt... which can be an alternative to the money belt situation.

Posted by
636 posts

I have to add a different perspective to the "dress to fit in" opinion. In America, I am always pleased to see travelers from other countries that are dressed differently than most Americans. I like the fact that they "stick out". It reminds me that the world hasn't become completely homogeneous. We should be embracing the differences!

Just my 2 cents ... stepping down from my soap box ...