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Overspeeding fine 575 Euros

I was hoping that someone would be able to throw some light on a traffic violation situation I encountered during our trip last year in Sardinia.
Details are as follows
Rental car Agency - Sicily by Car
Violation - I apparently drove at 137Kmph on a strip of SS131 (Km19.392 Monastir) where the permissible limit is only 90Kmph. After the speed adjustment of 5%, the authorities have concluded that for purposes of overspeeding, the speed of 130.15 Kmph is applicable, which turns out to be 40.15Kmph over and above the permissible limit of 90Kmph.
This violation occurred on 30/10/2018. I got an email from Sicily by Car with a 61€ bill and a letter from the Cagliari authorities which states I should pay 532€ + 25€= 557€ within 60 days.

My questions to anyone who has dealt with a similar situation or can be of help are

Q1 - from what day is this deadline of 60 days counted. I got the email (never received a letter by post) on 05.02.2019. The only reference I have on the letter is something written in Italian "Data riapertura termini :19/12/2018". Is this the date from which I get 60 days time? There is also some mention of 30% discount.

Q2- overspeeding fines are generally categorised based on how much you crossed the speed limit. For example in Italy (rough estimate based on forums I read through)
1-10Kmph - fine of upto 60€
11-40Kmph - fine of upto 170€
41-60Kmph - fine of upto 680€

The above fines are in addition to point deductions on the drivers license. Since I reside in Germany, I'm not concerned about the points of the driver's license. My overspeeding is on this grey area between 40Kmph and 41Kmph (logic would put me to 40Kmph and authorities would love 41Kmph I guess).

Is there any way to appeal to get my case to be considered in the 11-40 Kmph range?

Q3- overspeeding fine is not new for me (I'm not proud saying it). In Germany atleast you get a letter with some proof (camera pic) with some way to login (username & password) to appeal online. Can I expect something similar in the near future? My credit card has been debited by 61€ on 10/02/2019 by Sicily by Car.

Q4 - any idea on the progression rate for delayed payments - how much more in case I delay this payment or will it be automatically debited to my credit card (the 557€ I have to pay the authorities). If I make this payment of 557€, I'm not sure if this is within the due date of 60 days, and few days later I get a letter saying the fine amount I should have paid is xyz€ instead of 557€ which should have been paid within 60 days (from what date is 6 I0 days counted is still not clear to me).

Posted by
12252 posts

Even after application of all the 'fudge factors' you are still 40+ over, I would not expect the authorities to 'round down'

Perhaps Roberto will see this and offer some insight/answers.

For other US readers, OP was doing 85 in a 55 zone.

Seriously? You want to reduce a traffic fine when you were speeding way over the limit, based on maths?

Mate, sort yourself out and stop putting lives at risk.

Posted by
3812 posts

If you haven't received a registered letter from Italy (explaining how to appeal or pay with a 30% discount) you haven't received any fine and the 60 days haven't yet started.

Who sent the letter dated February 5? What's the mail address? Are you sure it isn't the rental agency forwarding a letter they received? Or the cops warning you that a registered letter is on its way?

The 60 days is the period you have to pay or appeal, the clock can't start before you have received the fine at your "real" address.

"Data riapertura termini :19/12/2018"

They means: since we knew the offender's name on 19/12, we have 360 days from 19/12 to contact him/her. It seems the rental company needed some weeks to tell the cops who was actually driving that car on October 30.

Posted by
3330 posts

If I were on a German autobahn with no speed limit posted, I wouldn’t hesitate to go 150 + kmh. However on a secondary highway on Sardinia I doubt I’d even hit 100. Does the .15 kmh overage seem fair? Well, it’s after a 5% adjustment so where should it stop - at 5.03%? Having taken a safe driving class to avoid getting speeding points on my license, I remember the instructor saying “if you’re going 1 mile per hour over a posted limit, you are breaking the law.”

Posted by
7457 posts

Don’t know about Italy, but for my tickets from Spain and Germany (about 5 mph over the limit), I received a letter in the mail direct from the municipalities. They did have a photo of the vehicle as well as where the infraction occurred. They were received after I was billed by the rental car company. I promptly paid them. For one German ticket, I never received notification from the municipality, so I guess it figured it wasn’t worth sending.

Posted by
1827 posts

Sicily By Car is now out of the equation as they fulfilled their obligation by giving your info to the Italian authorities. Your credit card will not be charged by others. Now the Italian jurisdiction (probably through a credit collection company) will contact you for payment and their enforcement options depend on this question: What is your residence / citizenship?

Posted by
16380 posts

Ouch! That hurts.
However 137km/h (85.14 miles per hour) is a bit too much for a 4 lane freeway in an urban area, even for a heavy foot like me.
In America cops start shooting bullets if they catch you at that speed. An Italian would have the license suspended for 30 days too for that infraction.
This is the 'exact' speed camera machine that caught you speeding (see above the sign 'autovelox')

Q1: Since the owner of the vehicle is a rental company the fine went there first. They had 60 days to appeal, or in this case, communicate to authorities the name of the renter (yours). The rental company charged you 61 euro admin fee for that service to the authorities. What you received is only the letter the rental company received from the authorities. That letter is the documentation for them to support the 61 euro admin fee (as per rental contract).
Q2: 19/12/2018 appears to be the date the authorities received the name of the renter, which was also communicated to the rental company. For residents abroad the authorities have 360 days to communicate the fine. So expect something in the mail from the authorities (probably Polizia Stradale) by Dec. 12, 2019.
The fine is 532 euro exactly for speeding in excess of 40.0 km/h (even by 1 millimeter per hour) but no more than 60.0 km/h.
Q3: Once you receive the letter from the authorities you will receive all the info to view your photo.
Q4: Once you receive the official notification from the authorities, not an email from the rental company, (usually via registered mail), you have 60 days to pay. If you don't pay within 60 days, the fine is increased by 50% of the maximum fine for that infraction. For your infraction the fine max is 2174 euro, therefore after the 61st day you'd pay 532+(2174/2)= 532+1087=1619 euro. Plus I guess the 25 euro you mentioned (not sure what that is). The fine is also increased by interest (10% of the amount due after 6 months followed by another 10% every 6 months).
The rental car company is never responsible for the fine, therefore they won't have to pay if you don't pay, hence, they will not charge your credit card for the amount if you decide not to pay. Generally if you don't pay, the authorities engage an international credit collection company with an affiliate in your country, to try to collect the amount from you. I honestly do not know their success in having that credit enforced. I know they collect about 25% of the credits due, but I think it's mostly due to the good will of the people paying to get them off their neck. I don't think those fines are enforceable abroad in a foreign court (not even within the EU currently), so all they could do is report you to credit bureaus for being a bad debtor.

Posted by
2 posts

Hi guys,
Thanks a lot for your responses and I respectfully acknowledge the critics against me driving fast. To be honest I myself can't believe this because approx. 100Kms before this incident we made a stop because my sister-in-law was feeling unwell and dizzy. We made a 30 min break at a gas station. I also remember my wife controlling my speed all the way right from Alghero till Cagliari. Our flight was at evening 20.00hrs and the incident occurred at 13.46hrs.
I will pay what is due, no doubt, but I wanted some formal communication with some proof before I pay this sum (which for me isn't small).

Thanks once again, I will wait for the formal letter of communication.

Wish you guys a nice day!

Posted by
8293 posts

It is certainly refreshing to read a post from a driver who was ticketed in Italy and does not whine about it, just plans to pay it. Not a word about how American tourists are targeted in some mysterious way by the speed cameras.

Posted by
588 posts

I don't ever recall being shot at for speeding...that must be something new.

Posted by
1662 posts

The only thing I've seen at certain times (on the highways), are radar guns State Troopers point at oncoming traffic. Then up ahead are two or three other troopers pulling over the cars. I have no clue how it's all connected. I don't speed to the point of getting a citation.

Posted by
8600 posts

I rented a car in Wales and England for 4 weeks and really made an effort not to speed, but I received a ticket for driving 35 MPH in a 30MPH zone. The location was in Gloucestershire near the Cotswolds. I suspect that I was decelerating upon entering one of those small town and just didn't decelerate quickly enough. Fine was 40 GBP or $51 US.

Posted by
16380 posts

I don ever recall being shot for speeding...

It happens more often to minority males, generally driving without a shirt.
At least based on what I’ve seen on “Cops”