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Overnight Water Taxi?

Hello! Our flight into Italy is set to arrive at around 11:58pm (assuming easyjet isn’t delayed). I was hoping to get a private water taxi for me and my girlfriend, but it appears that a LOT of websites I’m finding will not be offering them at that time. (Around 1am departure on October 13 I’d guess after customs and everything?).

Is there any way to find a water taxi operating around this time?

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3023 posts

Ask where you are staying the best way to get to where you are sleeping with a flight landing at 23:58. What airport are you connecting in?

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5034 posts

Is your ABnB host aware of how very late you are arriving? You might want to consider an airport hotel on arrival, then proceed to your Venice accommodation in the morning?

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16679 posts

The private water taxis run all night, but I suggest you pre-book one to be sure it is waiting for you at the airport dock.

You will need to give them the correct address for your AirBnb. It will be Dorsoduro followed by a 3-5 digit number, like Dorsoduro 982. The water taxi will take you to the nearest public dock and it may be a on a back canal. Make sure you have good directions for reaching the apartment from there, and that you have directions for contactless access, unless they are meeting you at that hour.

Note that Google maps will provide walking directions in Venice and can locate addresses such as the one I entered above.