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outdoor dining in Rome?

Am I missing something but do they not have sidewalk cafes in Rome like they do in Paris. I have been looking around the Google earth and do not see any outdoor dining..maybe the maps are from winter LOL

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492 posts

Many, many restaurants in Rome have outdoor dining if the weather is nice enough for it.

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536 posts

Hi Carol - Tons of outdoor Cafes - Two of my favorite areas are - The Via Veneto with many Cafes and - The piazza di Spagna or Spanish Steps with a multitude of Cafes on the side streets by The Steps.
BUT - All over Roma are wonderful outdoor Cafes so take your pic

Ciao, Greg

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7737 posts

You have to remember that the Google Earth photos in their "Street View" are taken from a car. This means that (for the most part) they don't get into the piazzas where you find the majority of outdoor dining. Cut-and-paste "104 Piazza Giuditta Tavani Arquati, Roma" in the "Fly To" window to see some outdoor dining.

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23562 posts

Carol, you must have goggled Rome, NY.

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1127 posts

Rome has outdoor dining all over. Many restaurants and cafes use heaters in the cooler months to allow them to stretch outdoor seating all year. Just keep in mind that smoking is permitted outside, so sometimes it's best to avoid it because the "fresh air" can get polluted.

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1018 posts

Outdoor dining is something people all over Italy enjoy from the smallest town to the largest city when the weather permits.

Practice a little caution by not leaving items on the table that could be snatched easily.

Buon viaggio,