I have a free day the last day of my 5-day visit in Rome and I'd like to either visit Ostia Antica or Tivoli/Villa d'Este/Hadrian's Villa. I can't decide between the two and would like some input. I plan to do a group tour of whichever place I choose but I just can't decide. Which one would you choose? Thanks for your input.
It is easy to get to OA and can be done on your own. It is much more difficult to get to the other site and a group tour is probably a good idea. It is an apple and orange comparison so flip a coin.
We went to both a year ago and I don't think you can go wrong either way. They're both great. Ostia would probably cost you less. If you do Ostia without a guide, do walk all the way to the far end right when you get there, then work your way back toward the entrance. That way you'll be able to set the pace you want to see the various sights. Also, good cafeteria at Ostia.
We're in Venice right now, having visited Rome last week. We visited Villa D'Este and Ostia Antica and loved them both. I think if I had to chose one of them, it would depend on what you'd already done on your trip.
We saw OA before the Forum, and I don't think we enjoyed the Forum as much as we would have if we had not seen OA first. OA is wonderful and hands on, and very all-encompassing as to life at the time. By the time we got to the Forum we weren't as impressed with the remains as we probably should have been. (Still amazing, just not the wow we thought we would have) So, if you visited the forum, you might have had enough ruins. Having said that, it was incredibly easy to get to.
Villa d'Este was amazing. It really spoiled us for all the other gardens we have seen along the way. The scope of the home, the fountains - it was great. We met some other folks that had gotten there via public transportation and they said it was very very easy, which is different than what I'd read elsewhere. We only visited Villa d'Este because we had just gotten off the plane and could only survive for so long before finding our hotel.
I don't think you can go wrong with either choice. You'll love them both!
Getting to Tivoli is very easy. Metro to Ponte Mammolo, then the blue COTRAL bus. Villa D'Este is a short walk from the bus stop - well sign posted. You then need a local bus down to Villa Adriana. From there, I walked the kilometre or so to the main road for the blue bus back to the metro stop.
The choice really depends on what your focus is. Tivoli is the most amazing garden; Adriana is HUGE. Be prepared for lots of walking. That day trip was one of the highlights of my recent 5 week trip.