We're going to be in Orvieto this spring and I'm wondering which is better - Well of the Quarry (Pozzo della Cava) or Orvieto Underground (Parco delle Grotte). Both seem to be fairly similar in what they show. Has anyone out there done both? Which is better to go on?
I think you would find Underground Orvieto more interesting. Both are large areas with only a portion excavated but there is more to see in the Grotte, especially about how the people lived, made olive oil, kept pigeons, etc. It is also more rustic and rather cool roaming around in semi darkness at times. The Cava seemed to me more like a museum with displays of artifacts, pottery, etc. But you could easily see both and a lot more at a great price. Are you aware of the Orvieto Unica Card that covers all the sights, plus the funicular and bus? Will you be there for a full day?
I thought the Parco delle Grotte was better because of the great guide who provided lots of information and loved when people asked him more questions.
You know, I was looking at the Grotte tour and while it certainly sounded interesting as a possibility for our trip there in few weeks...Orvieto ain't that far from Amatrice. Call me crazy, and I know the odds are a zillion-to-one against it, but I don't think I'll be descending into any catacombs or caves on this trip.
Jay, with all due respect, the fact that the caves are still standing 2000+ years gives them a ton of credence in my book. Despite the fact that they're in earthquake country, I'd feel much more comfortable in them during a quake than standing on your average Mussolini era bridge in the same area. It seems like time and time again, that the stuff that collapses is not the 800 year old cathedral, but its the modern buildings next to it. To me, travel and experiencing the world are some of the greatest gifts that you can have and rarely do I let stuff out of my control (politics, earthquakes, weather, economic situations, risk of potential terror, etc) stop me from enjoying the world. Just my $0.02.
Jay, I hate to tell you, but all off the centro storico of Orvieto sits atop a a system of caves that makes the hilltop resemble Swiss cheese.