Well, we’ve been researching like crazy and have found three affordable candidates for a month (mid-June to mid-July). Our goals are to relax, sit in cafes and drink coffee and wine, shop for inexpensive jewelry/clothes/local souvenirs, eat a few good meals but most cheaply. We love wandering old cobblestone streets, shopping for the evening meal to cook at home, going back out for gelato and then curling up with a book from home. We are not huge museum or church visitors but will certainly spend some time doing those things. This will be following 10 days in Rome which will presumably be packed with museums, ancient sites and churches! So we have ….
Orvieto, most affordable
Venice, not that much more expensive (loved it 40 years ago…)
Avignon, middle price.
All three are air conditioned and refundable. We will just rent a car a time or two for side trips and would love to wander some by train for day trips. Somewhat concerned about lack of transportation in Venice (my knees get sore after a while and it’s nice to hop on a bus).
We LOVED Aix-en-Provence. So, wise ones…. What’s your vote?