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Orta San Giulio to Milan Central Station transportation options?

We will be staying at as part of an RS Village Italy tour. After the tour we will be taking the fast train from Milan to Rome and I would like to pre-book the tickets to take advantage of the mini-fares. The problem is that I don't know the public transit options to get to Milan and if I should allow an hour, two hours, or more, to get to the Milan central train station. Driving directions indicate that it is about 54 miles on the A8 and I assume that Orta San Giulo probably has bus service. There doesn't seem to be a train, or at least I haven't found it yet. Another possibility is that there is transportation to Malpensa Airport and then you go from the airport to the central train station. Anyway, if anyone has done this before or can point me at the right web sites with the info (english or italian) that would be helpful.

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I found my answer, so for reference, the train station is Orta-Miasino. There is a change of trains at Novara and the total travel time is about 1 hour 50 minutes. Sadly, the last morning train leaves at 8:04 and the next one after that isn't until 13:58.