Is the official ticket site ( the only way to purchase advanced tickets to the leaning tower? I see there are other websites that sell tickets that you can purchase more than 20 days in advance. Will these tickets be honored? Are these bogus sites?
The site you mentioned is the site I purchased my tickets from. Several sources mentioned that this is the official site.
I've purchased from the official site you mention. Why not purchase from the official site if you can? I've also bought tickets day of but had to select from limited availability since it was July.
Has anyone had any problems going to this site? I had checked this site a while back, but that was more than 20 days before I needed them. I had no problem with this site. However, as of yesterday and today, that page will not load and always times out. Any suggestions?
The sites generally are not bogus. However you'll pay a hefty premium purchasing through them. Official site is the best way to go.