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Opera Festival in Verona

Hello! Love the site and all the great tips - thanks!

We are planning a trip to Italy in July/August, and we're considering going to a performance at the Verona Opera Festival. Has anyone ever been? Would you recommend the experience?

We can only afford the "nosebleed" seats (unnumbered, waaaay up high) -- will we be able to see and hear the production well enough to make it enjoyable? (we can bring binoculars)

We'll be packing light - what should we wear to the performance? And do you know how early it tends to sell out? And how early should we arrive that evening? (I'm assuming the unnumbered seats are "first come, first served?) Can we bring food in with us?

Any other tips?

Thanks for your help!

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466 posts

I went to a performance in mid-July a few years ago and sat in the same seats you're planning to get: no reserved seat/up high. you'll be packed tight, almost touching your neighbour, but it's worth it. you'll be sitting on stone with no backrest.The atmosphere is incredible. dress very comfortably and arrive at least at least 2 hours before the performance starts. you'll be waiting outside the arena gate, possibly in the sun, so bring something to shield you from the sun and a rain poncho in case there's a sudden downpour. it was very hot on my visit you can bring food with you, but don't make it obvious. i could actually see the performance quite well without binoculars since i was sitting at 'centre field', but binoculars would enhance the experience. i would book now. you'll love it.

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440 posts

Tracy, I went on the last night - August 31st, and was glad to have taken a pashmina. It did become chilly. I wore a nice skirt and top. Some people dressed for a first night at the theatre, but most were in ordinary day clothes. No tight skirts - you have a lot of stairs to climb. I had a numbered seat and hired a cushion for a few Euro. Well worth it. There are plenty of places in Piazza Bra to have dinner or a snack, or as I did, a glass of wine beforehand. There was an intermisson but I just people watched. Seeing the props for Aida soaring to the sky was quite amazing. Watching the workers pack up next day was interesting too. It's well worth the money for the opera. Accommodation cost will be higher during opera season. I stayed at a small hotel about 5 mintes walk away. Can't remember the name but it may have belonged to the Best Western chain. Explore the museum, teatro and the little 'back' streets, and climb the tower. Enjoy!