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2124 posts

Not much to it, really. I'll do my own research. Can you walk in? Does it require a tour? Would it be overrun first week of April?! Inquiring minds wanna know!

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10422 posts

Thank you for sharing, Kathy. I love CBS Sunday Morning, they do such a lovely job with their pieces, but of course I don't watch them regularly. Thank you for highlighting this !

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16748 posts

You're welcome! I know it was a short segment (as are many on CBSSM) but included some interesting historical details that maybe not all who are interested in the corridor were aware of. Anyway, the forum has seen some recent questions about the thing so...

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1816 posts

Speaking of Vasari sans corridor, there's a pretty good series available on Amazon Prime currently , 'Renaissance Unchained' by art critic Waldemar Januszczak. It uses Vasari's "Lives of the Most..." book as a foil for presenting a different perspective of the entire Renaissance concept. Along with corny sections, it also presents some excellent material not often seen.

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2124 posts

So...for those that have been...I know I could find out myself but if I wanted to check it out while in Florence in April, how & when is the most efficient way to see the Vasari Corridor? Sounds pretty cool!

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5320 posts

That reporter lives in Italy and does the best segments! I curse him, (laughingly) every week for his luck.

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16748 posts

Gosh, wish we had Amazon Prime, Mike. That series sounds fascinating!

Another note about the corridor... Some recent posters have sounded a bit disappointed that all of the portraits which once lined the walls have been removed? Another way of looking at it is that visitors will now experience it the way it originally intended and appeared, "...restored to its original a plain β€œaerial tunnel.” Those portraits were not installed in this 16th-century treasure until the 17th century.

Now I wish Sunday Morning would do a piece on another famous passage, the recently re-opened Passetto di Borgo in Rome. Maybe we'll get lucky? :O)

See the coopcultre website (link included in my linked post above) for 3 different tour choices for select dates through February.

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10422 posts

But Jay said he was going to do his own research !

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2124 posts

Oh Kim...I trust Kathy and hang on her every word!!!