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October trip to Italy apparently wearing a mask when outside the hotel room.

It appears that Italy (Umbria and Rome) will let us in (we are vaccinated), but with a 16 day land trip in Italy planned prior to a transatlantic cruise home, the downside will be having to wear a mask when OUTSIDE as well as inside.

Not happy about this. This policy may change by October, but if not, I have a few questions.

1) How strict will this rule be enforced?

2) What is the fine for not wearing a mask?
3) Any opinions on whether or not this rule will be modified by Oct?

Posted by
792 posts

Why do you need to know the fine if you will follow the rules? Or are you not planning to do that?

I wish Italy the best of luck in continuing to vaccinate its population so that eventually, no masks will be required. Until then, perhaps you shouldn't travel there if you aren't planning to follow the rules that have been instituted to keep people safe.

Posted by
3812 posts

What about staying in your country if you don't feel the need to obey others' rules?

At the worst the requirement to wear face masks outside will be lifted by July 15, so we will enjoy your respectful presence.

Posted by
580 posts

The fine can be up to €1,000. The outdoor mask requirement has been in force in Italy for 8 months, so it's certainly not a surprise or a recently implemented requirement.

Posted by
8680 posts

It appears that only one person provided any information that I asked for in my post.
Having been to Italy several times, I know many rules and laws that Italians don't follow. If the fine is as high as posted, that is probably not true for these rules.

I do plan to follow the rules, but frankly, I will not be in the habit of following such strict rules. It is easy to forget. Also, I suppose that I won't be doing any serious exercise while in public. Imagine jogging with a mask.

Posted by
2267 posts

Many friends of mine in major US cities have been jogging with a mask for most of the past year and a half. Its a non-issue unless you chose otherwise.

Posted by
3812 posts

Imagine jogging with a mask.

In Italy you are not required to wear a mask when making outdoor sports alone. This must be one of the rules you don't understand while thinking that Italians ignore it.

Posted by
10541 posts

Imagine not bothering to read about and understand the rules before fussing about them, four months ahead of visiting another country as a guest.

Posted by
1146 posts

There will be lots of rules/regulations/etc the first few months that the EU opens up as everyone is treading on unchartered territory.

If you want to go over this year, this is just the way it will be.

This is why we decided to put off our 2 International trips to 2022.

We all have to do what is best for us and what we are willing to do and not do.

I'm a nurse and will certainly follow whatever rules are in place after everything I've seen this year.

We are lucky here in the USA, great medical care with very early access to vaccinations compared to other countries.

No one knows what things will really be like in Oct- but I do think the EU will take great precautions the rest of 2021 until MOST people are vaccinated and we 'see' if boosters will be needed. Too many unanswered questions at this point since we don't know what our antibody titers post-vaccine will look like this Fall.

As a nurse, I got vaccinated mid-December - so those of us in healthcare who got vaccinated early, will be the fist to know if boosters will be needed this year - no one can really answer your questions because we don't know yet.

Hopefully by 2022, we will know how long this vaccine protects us and life in the EU will be closer to 'normal.'

If you really want to go to Italy this year - just go with the mindset that rules will be in place and be sure you will

Safe & Happy Travels !!

Posted by
503 posts

Good response Chinalake. We are going to Italy this Oct. Long time vaccinated and we do now enjoy freedom from masks in Ohio. We decided long ago masks would likely be required in Italy and Europe. I totally understand the rational to wear them on planes, other indoor and close quarter areas. They were hit especiallly hard by covid and still catching up with vaccines. Most don’t live in the wide open spaces like many of us in US. I respect the science and need for caution. Yes…likely hard again to go back to wearing our masks. Oh well. But if we did not want to wear them we would have postponed our trip. It’s still the new normal and 2021 only half over! Very difficult year for so many!!

Posted by
3713 posts

I'm puzzled as to why anyone would not plan to follow the rules and laws of a country that they would go to as a guest.
You wouldn't steal from a shop, or Dine and Dash, or run across a busy road into ongoing traffic, because you would remember not to; so why would you "forget" to wear a mask when it is required?
Have you also not been wearing masks at home all this time?


Posted by
8680 posts

You were over the top comparing an occasional instance of forgetting to put on a mask to theft. When mask wearing was required I remember a couple of instances when I got out of my car to go into my pharmacy or after a meal in a restaurant forgot to put it on (just for a few moments).

In much of the USA wearing a mask was not require outside, unless in a crowd. Last month the CDC revised its guidance that vaccinated persons need not wear masks either outdoors or indoors. The CDC and my personal physician have advised me on the SCIENCE and mask wearing.
It was mainly for people that had COVID19. Now, the science indicates that vaccinated persons don't need to wear masks.
Apparently, Italy hasn't figured that out.

Still, as I said before, I intend on following the rules set by the government.

Posted by
578 posts

At the moment the mask must be worn every time you are indoor (except while sitting at a table to drink and eat) and outdoor every time you cannot keep the distance of 1m between any other people not of your family. Must be worn every time you do a group activity, like a guided visit or similar, even outdoor. If you do outdoor sport you can do it keeping 2m of distance from anybody else without the mask (but you must carry a mask, if needed).
1) It's generally respected, especially in cities.
2) Between 400€ and 1000€ (mostly 400€).
3) Is possibile this law will be modified from July, but at the moment is impossible forecast what will happen in October.

Please remember that vaccination help to avoid severe consequences if you are infected, but is not exactly sure if it can avoid spreading of infection. This is why several rules aren't related to the vaccination.

Posted by
578 posts

In general, seems that follow the CDC guidance make a lot of sense and close this discussion:

Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.

= If the local laws still require mask, you have to wear it.

COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting you from getting sick.

= to reduce the spreading of the virus, is better keep the mask. The vaccine helps, but don't stop the spreading of the virus. In fact:

Even after vaccination, you may need to continue taking all precautions.

If you’ve been fully vaccinated:
You still need to show a negative test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before boarding an international flight to the United States.

= even if full vaccinated, you could be infected! Be caution!

You should still get tested 3-5 days after international travel.

For now, if you’ve been fully vaccinated:
If you travel, you should still take steps to protect yourself and others.

Posted by
717 posts

According to a transmission of Rai Radio 1 that I listened to today (from the other day) there is talk about eliminating the need for a mask outdoors once a certain percentage of people have been vaccinated. This is the first time that I have heard this mentioned. So, yes the rule may be modified.

Posted by
2581 posts

My husband and I from NV and are in Washington (state) right now. Mask rules have been lifted in NV but we wore our masks for quite a while afterwards anyway despite being fully vaccinated. At some point we dispensed with our masks per CDC guidance. In Oregon and Washington the mask rules are still in effect and I have forgotten to put my mask on in a couple of instances. It is easy to forget to put one on when you are not required to at home. That being said, we are respecting the rules here in WA and OR as we are guests in these states.

Posted by
1100 posts

Just announced last night - as of June 28, masks will no longer be required outdoors, but will still be required indoors. Masks are still encouraged to be worn outdoors when the situation is very crowded or when in the company of elderly or infirm people.

In practice, this is already happening, as people walk down the street with them off, and whip them back on when approaching others. I can’t answer your question about the size of any fines, but hopefully it will become and remain moot.

Of course, this can change again by October, but good news for now.

Posted by
8680 posts

Our transatlantic cruise from Rome to Florida was just cancelled, so we are cancelling our trip to Italy this year.

Perhaps next year.

Posted by
503 posts

So sorry your transatlantic cruise has been cancelled! Very disappointing indeed. Our Oct Cruise has not been confirmed yet either. Still hoping it’s a go. Otherwise….hope for another chance!

Posted by
4984 posts

"people walk down the street with them off, and whip them back on when approaching others"

They store them on their elbows, I'm telling ya

Posted by
4657 posts

I won't get into the fray of accidental mask forgets. I must mask at work unless in my office, but I have been known to walk down the hall, into the lab, into another office and chat and no one recognized I was maskless. It happens to the best of us😇 even in the medical field.
But I am sorry your 2021 travel and are dashed...again. Maybe some window of opportunity will allow some get away before your safari.

Posted by
1709 posts

What a letdown about your cruise. Still, it's better when THEY cancel, better refund options.

Was the ship actually in the Med this summer?

Posted by
8680 posts

No the ship never made it across the Atlantic. Not too happy with Celebrity, looking a going with Royal Caribbean next year, since the fares are significantly cheaper.

Posted by
1709 posts

Celebrity's pricing has gone through the roof! I know they are going "all inclusive", but we could never drink enough to justify it. And we do enjoy our drinks while cruising. How could it ever pay off on a port intensive itinerary?!

Our last cruise was back on Royal after a couple of Celebrity cruises, and we found that while the Royal ship itself was less elegant, our fellow passengers were more friendly and fun.