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Oct 9, 2023 strike in Italy


I read the Sept strike was moved to Mon, October 9, 2023. That day we will arrive in Florence and hoping to take the train to Siena for our first night in Italy.

I found many strikes listed for Oct 9 here

Can you tell me if the strike will affect my taking the tram from Florence airport to the train station SMN and then from the train station to Siena train station? Also will the strike affect bus from Florence to Siena?

What are my other options?

Thank you in advance.

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79 posts

I wish that I could help, but I am in the same boat, so to speak - landing in Rome at 8:00 a.m. on October 9, with plans to take the train to Orvieto. From the Trenitalia strike schedules, I don’t see a way to do that. Nothing is easy!

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3 posts

I'd asked this question last week and didn't receive any responses, but found this information in another travel forum ...

The strike on October 9 will only affect local public transport (buses, trams, subways) but not high speed trains between cities.

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79 posts

Thanks. Unfortunately the trains I planned to take to Orvieto are not express trains.

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405 posts

Flexibility is the key to successful (and enjoyable) travel. Could you spend a night in Florence and leave early the next day? It may not be Siena but it is a lovely city

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60 posts

Thank you everyone.

Yes flexibility is required. I'm just glad that I know this now before I travel.

My train to Siena would be local. Plus I would not a buy any express train ticket as I don't know if there's any flight delay.

I've now cancelled my Siena lodging. Trying to have mediate as the owner doens't know how to refund me. Had to pay early to get self checkin code,

1. WIll stay in Florence. (Been to Florence ages ago and wasn't on my to visit list but now will revisit.) Though the rates are so expensive in general and now at this late stage even more & with the strike. Any tips?

2Also anyone know about luggage storage at Siena train station or around there for next day when the train is running again? I'm thinking of doing a daytrip to Siena and moving on to my original day 2 destination Lucca.

3 Taxi taking tip? Do we ask / negotiate a price first and that'll the way?