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Oberammergau to Lago di Brais transportation

Any suggestions for how to get from Oberammergau Germany to Lago Di Braies Italy besides taking the train all the way back to Munich and then back down again to Lago Di Braies . That seems like such a waste of time when the two are three hours apart from each other. Renting a car one way from Munich is too expensive with all the tolls

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21692 posts

It will still take a while. Train to Murnau, then train to Innsbruck, then train to Brennero, train to Fortezza, train to Villabassa-Braies, then bus to Lago di Braies. Takes 6 1/2 hours.

Viamichelin says 3 hours by car.

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8 posts

Thank you for your response. I don't think there are any car services that travel between the two unfortunately