Has anyone done Nudes and Foods tour?? What is a good food tour in Florence?? I really appreciate every ones time and advice! Thank you!
A nude food tour? Count me in. You must have expected that response. ;)
There are over 700 reviews with pictures of this tour from individual travelers that you can read on Trip Adivisor
We just did it in December and enjoyed it. It's a great value and overview of the Accademia and the food of Florence.
A nude food tour? Count me in.
Not while I'm eating please...
If they serve sausages don't get distracted and accidentally cut the wrong one.
HA! Love this thread. What a great, tongue-in-cheek (so to speak) name for a tour! Seriously, the folks who run the Rome food tours I have enjoyed and recommended before, http://www.eatingitalyfoodtours.com also do food tours in Florence. And now (or coming soon) in Venice, I think.