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North Italy itinerary--hotels? trains? eats?

We are planning a trip to Italy to see art--mainly frescos, mosaics, and architecture. We also enjoy classical music and opera.
Our draft itinerary is Milan>Padua>Ferrara>Ravenna>Bologna>Mantua>Milan. As far as I can make out on the Trenitalia website, this is a sensible route and fairly inexpensive.

Bologna is included mainly to have an eating break in the midst of all the strenous art looking!
Can anyone advise me on low budget (under 70 euro preferred) hotels in any of these towns? We will be travelling entirely by train, so a central location with good public transportation linkups is preferred. We don't require fancy, just clean with a comfortable bed, ensuite bathroom and hot water. I'd also love your advice for street food or cheap places to eat. We are waiting for an airfare bargain, so we don't have tickets yet, but we generally travel in the winter.

Any other advice for train strategies or art and music delights would be appreciated.

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3634 posts

In Ravenna, a few years ago, we stayed at the B&B Galla Placidia. It's located very close to San Vitale. We parked our car and walked to everything, except Sant' Apollinare in Clase. The rooms are very clean, spacious and nicely furnished; and the proprietor, Gabriella couldn't be more hospitable. Good breakfast, too. I think it's in your price range, but for up-to-date info see

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435 posts

Thank you, Rosalyn! Yes, the B&B Galla Placidia is in my price range, and I check it on tripavisor and it has great reviews. Perfect!

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267 posts

If you are going to Italy in the summer months, and are interested in opera, you MUST go to Verona and see an opera in the amazing Arena di Verona, a nearly 2,000 year old stadium made of pink and white limestone. Verona is just a half hour or so (by train) away from Padua.
You can check out the arena's website at You can view it in English. Also read Rick's Verona section; there is a lot to see and do there. I spent 6 days there, but I do have the fortune of having a friend who lives there. :)
Wherever you go, I'm sure you will love it! Italy is beautiful and amazing and I can't wait to go back to see more!
Have fun!

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435 posts

Thansk Robyn, I would absolutley love to see an opera in Verona. Art and music in situ is the most beautiful of all!