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4775 posts

So just the selfie takers are punished? The article says selfies but the mayor is quoted as saying there are logjams by people stopping to take photographs.

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3812 posts
  1. they are fining anyone who remains motionless "like a pillar of salt" long enough to block pedestrian traffic. The word "selfies" isn't written anywhere in the city ordinance.

  2. the ban is not all over Portofino, but only in the small "Piazzetta" Square by the sea and on the "Umberto I° " quay.

Edit. From the Mayor's office (literal translation): "Let's not spread bullxhit! Imagine if I have the power to ban photos! When the English repeat nonsense there is no reason to mimic them".

The Italian word I translated with bullxhit is "boiata".

Boia is Italian for hangman, executioner. In short, the guy that kills people on behalf of the Government. A "boiata" is something so wrong, stupid and gross that only the Executioner would do it.

Curses are always an interesting way to summarise a country's history and mood.

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699 posts

Grazie Dario,
I like that word. Thanks for the clarification and your excellent summary.
I am done. the b-word