We will not have a cell phone while in Italy. We will however have Skype on our iPad and iTouch. We know an internet connection is necessary to be able to use Skype calling. This will be fine when we are in the apartment with WIFI. Question: How difficult is it to make local calls in Italy using payphones, etc.
Ernest, not as easy as it used to be. Payphones are just about gone in most places. However, there is WIFI available all over the country, mostly at cafes and bars. Buy a coffee and skype away.
Our cell phone failed to work in Italy last fall (despite assurances from two ATT employees) and we had no trouble finding pay phones at the train stations. Don't know where else they might be. We just picked up a phone card at a Tabachi shop. One hitch: our landlady had included the cell phone prefix in the number she gave us, so of course the number didn't work. The Tourist Information lady just crossed it out when we appealed to her, and then it worked fine.