What is the best way to get from Nice to Venice?
This is quite a journey. It's an 8.5hr-9.5hr train journey with 2-3 train changes all depending on the run you choose for your departure. You will change trains at Ventimiglia which is at the Italian border. From there, you go to Milan Centrale via Genoa. You will change trains again at Milan for your high-speed train to Venice Santa Lucia. You might also be able to fly. Others may have info on the flights.
The fastest route (7hr45min) has only two connections, one in Ventimiglia and one in Milano. Leave Nice Ville at 07:55 and arrive in Venezia Santa Lucia at 15:40. You can fly directly from Nice to Venice Marco Polo on easyJet, Air France, and Alitalia. EasyJet is a budget airline and has the lowest fares, but you will pay extra fees if you exceed their luggage size, weight, and number limits.