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New Years Day Travel

I will be traveling from Venice to Florence on 1/1/2009. I have not been able to find a tour that will be operating in Florence that day. Is is likely that the market/shopping area in Florence will also be closed? Should I be concerned about train travel that day? Thanks!

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1158 posts

Most likely, that's why. Majority of the European markets are closed on 1/1

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1358 posts

If you dont find a tour, try to obtain a printed guide for a walking tour and do your tour on foot. There is lots to see in Florence even if the museums and cathedrals are closed.

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23473 posts

A lot of Europe, like a most of the US, is closed or provides limited service on major holidays such as New Years. I would assume that the museums are closed that day. We traveled from Nice to Paris via train on New Years a few years ago and the travel schedule appeared to be a normal schedule for that day. And the food markets in the train station were open and the station was fairly busy.

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8 posts

Thank you all for the feedback. I seem to have found ways to work around the museum closings. The trains were my main concern. Thanks!