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New Year's Eve in Italy - which city to stay in?

We are planning a belated honeymoon in Italy during the time between Christmas and Epiphany. We will be spending the first part in Sicily and then plan to take a ferry to the mainland and spend another 5 days or so traveling around (likely by car for at least part). We need advice on where to spend New Year's, as we'd like this to dictate our subsequent plans to some degree. We enjoy fireworks, but are not big partiers and my husband is unusually sensitive to loud sounds (he gets sensory overload and sometimes migraines). I've read about the big New Year's Eve celebrations in Naples, etc, but am thinking a smaller city might be a better spot for us. (I've read about wandering minstrels in some southern cities - that'd be great!) Or maybe outskirts of a big city (Rome?) where we could go see the fireworks and then make our way away from the chaos. (I'm also not averse to reversing plans and doing the mainland first and then Sicily, if that's a better place for New Year's Eve.) Any ideas would be appreciated!

(We'd also welcome any advice on off the beaten path places to visit on the road trip portion - we like to explore nature and the guidebooks don't often address that much. For instance, can we visit Stromboli that time of year??)

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8129 posts

Orvieto has a music festival that time of year with fireworks at midnight and gospel choir in the Duomo on New Year's Day

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4145 posts

New Year's Eve in Rome, right in front of the Colosseum, one of the biggest parties of my life! A Symphony of Chaos, Fireworks, and Music... the best place for a NYE imo. But for your needs you may want to look for a small town, Rome on NYE would not fit your bill.

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7840 posts

On our trip, we were in Rome for a week, then flew to Sicily and rented a car. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on Sicily - big meal at 1 PM. We took our car on the ferry back to the mainland, enjoying time in Calabria, up to Paestum, Salerno, then to Sorrento. We were in Sorrento for New Year’s Eve 2012. We had a special dinner with a chef and about 8 others, then headed to our hotel. Everyone around our hotel set off their own fireworks at midnight (can’t do that legally anymore in Colorado!) and the festivities went on until about 12:20 AM, then it quieted down so we could get to sleep.

New Year’s Day 2013, all indications had been that the ruins at Pompeii would’ve closed, but we found out 2 days before that they’d be open albeit only until 1pm, so we headed over there, glad we’d slept enough to get up early, and got a great parking spot, and almost had the place to ourselves. great start to a new year, after 2012 had been a really difficult year, on many levels.