My husband and I are taking our honeymoon --3 years after the wedding ;) -- this December and are spending New Year's Eve in Rome. We wanted to have a nice dinner in before enjoying the New Year's festivities. Any suggestions for a yummy and culturally enriching diningexperience? Thanks!
Hi Kate, My husband and I will be there at the same time. I had the same question and someone recommended Habana Cafe to me. From the look of their website, it looks more like a bar than a restaurant. I'm curious to see the replies you get...I'm still looking for recommendations as well. Hope you don't mind me spying on your post! Safe travels and enjoy your honeymoon! Dee
My wife and I will be there, as well. We'll be along the Via Ostiense, it's our first trip to Europe - I'm being sent there for work, and she's coming along. Can't offer any tips, but maybe we ought to arrange for a visitors' get-together. Ha!