I'm not challenging anyone carrying a pointy partisan. Ouch.
At least not until I am 70 years old...
The new areas of enforcement are perhaps due to the, umm, 'lax' clothing mores of many people - those tourists (AND residents) who believe they are on vacation and can wear whatever goes at their local lake. I'm no prude, but the short-shorts, skin-tight and spaghetti-strapped tank tops (with bra straps showing, of course), and $1.99 flip-flops that make up many vacation 'wardrobes' leave a bit to be desired in my opinion. Hey, wear those white tennis shoes and baseball caps - just look like you aren't running around in your pjs. Don't get me started on the flannel pj pants...LOL!
And just in general, when the guidebook spells out the dress code for St Peters, they're talking to YOU. Not the other guy, but YOUR bare shoulders and above-the-knees shorts, too. Don't act surprised LOL.