Emperor Augustus’ mausoleum is being restored and is due to open in March2021. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/att/biggest-circular-tomb-ancient-world-090255116.html
Interesting! Added to the never-ending list of things to see, lol!!
Thanks for the link!
Thanks Horsewoofie. A future sight to see since we missed Rome this past fall.
I am really excited about this! Thanks for posting and Happy Holidays!
Wow! Thanks, woofie. We're hoping to get there in late August or early September.
Our planned Rome trip this past September got postponed, but this will definitely be another reason to make it happen in the nearest possible future. Thanks, and Happy New Year in the meantime!
There's always something further to see in Rome. I only found out about the Ara Pacis on my third trip, definitely worth seeing.