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New Moon filming in Montepulciano

My daughter and I need accomodations badly for may 28th , anybody got a lead on where to find a room. It is my daughter's dream to go to this filming. Need help

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3313 posts

I have no idea what "New Moon" is, but if it's a major filiming event, I'll bet Montelpulciano will be tight. There are many of agriturisomos in that area of Tuscany. Try www. You'd need a rentsal car of course, but you would anyway to be in Montelpulciano.

Siena is another option.

Posted by
34 posts

WoW, Robin! What a supermom you are. My daughters are die-hard Twilighters too but a trip to Italy for them to see the filming? What a lucky daughter you have! Of course, the scarcity of Edward in New Moon puts a damper on their excitement.

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1893 posts

New Moon is one of the series of the Twilight books.

It's a great movie...and it would be fun to see the filming of New Moon in Italy!

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1003 posts

Your best bet might be to stay somewhere else like Siena, which is bigger, and either rent a car or hire a private guide to take you to Montepulciano that day...

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10 posts

Hi Debra, found a place. Now I need a car from Florence airport. What company should I go with? What is it like driving in Italy? What about insurance? I heard it is tricky there for insurance.
Soo soo appreciative you got back yo me!! This is kind of important for my daughter and this is a trip of a lifetime for us THANKS

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881 posts

Florence is one of those cites to be really careful about driving in. If your just driving in the country from one city to another, it's fine. Anyone on here will tell you to avoid driving in Italian cities though.

Florence in particular has 'zones' that you can't drive in. Tickets are issued electronically. Folks say it's not well marked, and they will send you a ticket for every single offense.

Any of the major car companies should be good. How long are you going for? If for more than a week, try for great lease rates. Otherwise, Europcar, the big US firms are all great.

RE: Insurance, just see what your credit card offers, make sure it covers in Italy, and ask the rental co. about them. Rates vary widely - for our Venice CDW rental insurance with Hertz was like 6UER a day, with AVIS, it was 37.00EUR a day. Big difference.

You can also buy cheap car rental insurance from travel insurance providers, like Access America, etc. For Italy, runs about $9/day $35,000 coverage.

I worked on the first Twilight movie. Was a lot of fun. Sadly, my scene didn't get used, and now they are filming them all back up in Canada. At least that means the dollar is stronger... lol Chris

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3112 posts

Robin, look into renting from AutoEurope. They have a call center in Maine and their prices include all insurance except the optional zero deductible. I'm renting through them next week and my car will be from AVIS, but at a lower price than AVIS quoted directly.

Posted by
111 posts

For our first trip to Italy end of May, I'll pick up rental car at Florence to Siena-Pompeii-Rome. Had lots of questions and many nice folks here helped. See my earlier post "car rental in Florence". I find the best driving out-of-Florence info on Also, [email protected] has good rental rate. Don't forget the IDP.

Posted by
83 posts

So cool! I can't believe you found out about's funny when I read the book Montepulciano is exactly how I pictured their Italy trip....I wish I would be around but I am flying home on the 26th. Enjoy!!