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new italian passport

can i travel to italy to get a new italian passport if mine is about to expire and i am a british citizen but i am an italian national.
My italian passport is 10yrs old and i need a new one but italian embassy in london is almost impossible to deal with.
can i simply travel to italy and get a new one there insted even though my original one was issued in the uk and i am a british citizen but an italian national?

Posted by
8256 posts

This is not really the place to ask, but the general advice would be to still deal with the Italian Embassy in the UK.

Aside from that, since you are a UK citizen and an Italian National, then entry to Italy is not an issue, so I think there would be no issue with being in Italy and applying for a passport there...unless they require application in your place of residence...then refer to the first sentence of my response.

Posted by
16240 posts

I don't live in London, but I find that dealing with the Italian consulate in San Francisco to be very fast. You have to make an appointment (usually a couple of weeks out) but it takes 20 min. to take the fingerprints with the new passport and to generate your passport, but when you are done you walk out with your Italian passport. I can't imagine that the process at the London's consulate is any different.

To go to Italy you don't need a valid Italian passport, because you can re-enter Italy with an expired one, and to go back to the UK you can use your British passport.

Since you are a resident in the UK, the Italian Consulate in the UK that has a jurisdiction over your town and where you should be registered as an Italian living abroad, is the one that can issue a passport for you.

In particular cases other issuing offices, such as another consulate (other than yours) or a questura (police headquarters in Italy, normally competent for issuing passports to Italian residents in Italy) can issue a passport for you. But if you don't request the passport from the issuing office with jurisdiction over where you reside, but you go to a Questura in Italy, they will need a written authorization by your consular office (where you reside) authorizing the Questura in Italy where you apply to issue your passport on their behalf. So where is the time saving? You still need to deal with your Italian Consulate in the UK one way or another.

You could go to the Questura and say you lost your passport while in Italy. In that case, if you need it right away, they would give you a temporary passport, which doesn't require fingerprints but that is valid only one year. So in the end you would still need to deal with the Italian Consulate in the UK sooner or later to have the full electronic chip passport that Italy issues nowadays.

So my suggestion is to go through the proper channels and get your Italian passport renewed in the UK. Chances are that it will take less time than you think.

Posted by
12 posts

Thank you for your advice.
I cannot get an UK passport as I was born in italy before 1983, apparently I have to apply to immigration first because my father is italian? This will take up to 6 months if I can get all the paper work then apply for UK passport. I have tried.
The italian embassy in London do not answer the phone and the online appointment system does not work, the second you try to make appointment its full. I really have tried but the incompetence is beyond belief. I can't get to even speak to them let alone get a letter. I am not the only one having these problems. Believe me I don't want to travel to italy if I don't have to but I am stuck!!!!!

Posted by
34349 posts

Go and knock on the door in London and ask for an appointment to be set with a definite date you can return to London.

Posted by
32405 posts


The suggestion from Nigel will probably be your best bet to get an appointment. If not, would be it possible to take the EuroStar across to Paris and set up an appointment there?

Posted by
16240 posts

I don't understand. You say you are a British citizen in your post. How is it possible that you can't have a UK passport?
Did you mean you are an Italian citizen residing in the UK?
Are you registered as an Italian resident abroad at the Italian Consulate in London? Italian citizens residing abroad should register at the AIRE (Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all'Estero) at their consulate with jurisdiction over their city. That is how you establish foreign residency with the Italian Government. After that step your Consulate becomes responsible for issuing your passport. Italians living in Italy must instead get their passport issued at the Questura of the province where they reside. Where did you renew your passport 10 years ago?

Posted by
12 posts

I am a british citzen but nota national, therfore as i was not born in uk i have no right to a british passport.
Odd but fact.
10 years ago my italian passport was renewed at Bedford (uk), this was also very painful experience but achievable.
Bedford has since closed and everything has been moved to london.
My Father tried for 3 months to renew his passport at the London embassy and gave up, he flew to italy as he has now retired and registered as an italian citizen, it was so straight forward for him to then renew his passport.
I cannot register as a citizen in italy as i am based in the uk, hence why i wanted to know if it was possible for me to get a new passport in italy as a uk citizen.
I will be cheaper and quicker for me to fly to italy than mess around knocking on doors travelling to and from the centre of london, with no guarantee of getting it sorted.

Posted by
8293 posts

Well, I'm confused. Are you saying that only those born in the UK are entitled to have a British passport?

Posted by
12 posts

Well i tried to apply (and paid) for a british passport as i had evough of the grief trying to sort my italian one out.
I was then informrd that i am not entitled to one as: I was born abroad before 1983 and my father is italian (and no refund).
I was told to contact immigration & home office to apply to be a national based on the fact that my mother is british, but in order to do this I need my birth certificate with both parents listed(the only copy i have only has me on it but i suppose i must be able to obtain this), the marridge certificate (now divorced), my mothers birth certificate and an expired passport (I havent had contact with her for 10yrs). Once i have all those documents i can apply to be a national, they will then check me out at a meeting, then i need to pass a british test which cosists of various questions about living in the uk, history e.t.c.. then if accepted i would have to attend a welcoming-signing in ritual for becoming a uk national.
This I was told could take up to 6 months!!!!! Then i can apply for a uk passport all over again, oh and as soon as i apply to immigration i have to surrender my current Italian passport even though its expired.
Now bearing in mind i am 45yrs old, been in the uk since 9 months old, my (british) wife and i have 6 british children all with uk passports, I am company director of 3 buisinesses and responsible for the employment of many people I was shocked at what i was told.. that means i am stuck here for a minimum of 6-9 months without being able to holiday e.t.c.. apart from my italian passport I am pretty much as british as it gets.
This i why i now need to renew my italian passport.

Posted by
34349 posts

How can you fly to Italy if you have no valid passport?

I think perhaps use use of specific terms may be getting in the way, perhaps due to a language difficulty.

Do you mean citizen or resident?

Have you been made a British subject by passing the exam and attending a naturalization ceremony?

Perhaps it would help us to understand if you stated your nationality status.

Is it really easier for you to go to Italy (which Questura?) than to London? Where are you? A remote island in the Outer Hebrides?

Posted by
12 posts

My passport is valid for 2 more weeks hence coming on here for a bit of help.
I have no language difficulty.
I am a britsh citizen and resident according to Her majestys passport office and am immune from any immigration controls.
I simple was born in florence not uk.
As explained im 45yrs old and been here since 9 months old.
I am an italian National because of my passport and my father registered me when born.
I have family in florence who will be able to help me but though id try to find out if anyone knows on here.
Ryanair return flight is cheaper and less time consuming for me than getting to and from to middle of london.
I will only need to be off work for 1 day.

Posted by
752 posts

I have an American friend who tried obtaining her Italian passport while residing in Italy, and she had to give up on it. She had to travel far to an American Embassy, then they put a time limit on her, first attempt her documents got back too late from the FBI, 2nd attempt the FBI sent her docs back in a timely manner but failed to stamp them properly. And I think both times she had to pay the full cost of the Italian passport anyway, which is now nearly $400. She now just renews her Visa every five years. She's back in the US visiting family for six months and may obtain the Italian passport while here.

So I'm thinking that your home base may be best for this. Americans here work with the Italian Consulate. It's Not easy for us either, and sometimes they make up new rules for some applicants, but I've seen people jump high hurdles and come out victorious.

Posted by
12 posts


As with most things italian it's who you know!!!!
I have cousin in carabinieri in Florence but was trying to see if anyone knew of some odd rule why I couldn't been done.
Knowing my luck it would only be able to be applied for in UK italian embassy or something like that.
Doesn't look like anybody really knows so I'll just have to wait for my cousin to try & find out if he can pull few strings for me at that end.

Posted by
1776 posts

I find difficult to understand all the thing about the British citizenship, but I have seen in the past that getting an UK passport is not easy for UK citizens.

As Roberto has pointed, it would be important to know if you are registered with AIRE. AIRE is a registration system for Italians living outside Italy - basically you get registered at a comune as you were living there, but you are living abroad. You get registered at your consulate (in UK you can get registered also by mail through the consulate). The comune you are registering with will take care of your anagraphic data. If you do not get registered with AIRE (and you should if you are living abroad more than one year) Italian authorities really do not know how they can track you and everything will be much longer and more difficult, if possible at all.

You should better get your Italian passport at the consulate (not the embassy) covering the place where you are living. If it takes time, amen. If you are registered with AIRE you can apply also at Questure in Italy - but if you are not registered with AIRE the Questura will have to check with your consulate so you will likely need more time than dealing with the consulate first.

If you are an Italian living in Florence, or registered with AIRE in Florence, the passport office is at via della Fortezza. If everything is OK in my experience it takes a week to get a passport. You can get one faster if there is a serious reason (for example, an employer contacts the questura in advance explaining that an employee needs a passport really soon), but this is up to the questura to decide.

Posted by
12 posts


I am registered in Florence with AIRE.
You are 100% correct as I have now spoken with my cousin and it will take 1 week.
I am flying out next week and he will then collect it for me a week later and post it to me in UK.

So much easier that trying to do it here.

Thanks for all your help.

Posted by
1776 posts

How do you plan to go back to Britain? When you ask for a new passport the old one is taken away from you (or voided if you want to keep it as a memory).

Posted by
12 posts

They said they will issue me temporary document to travel home with

Posted by
5489 posts

The process you described in obtaining 'proper' British citizenship (ie able to have a passport) was naturalisation.

However, these days people born abroad before 1983 with a British mother don't need to do this as they can 'register' for citizenship by descent instead. It bypasses doing all the 'Life in the UK' stuff, although you do still have to prove good character and have a 'citizenship ceremony'. It is also much cheaper, costing only £80 for the ceremony part and £19.20 for the biometrics. (You should not have to pay for the registration as this is considered to a degree as cleaning up past gender discrimination, although the .gov website isn't clear on this.) It will though take some time, typically 4 months.

The guide for this is here to check you meet all of the requirements and the application form here.

Mind you, much of the documentation required is the same as for naturalisation.

If you have any questions about your particular circumstances seek help from a registered immigration practitioner.

The above is for general information only and is not advice as defined under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.

Posted by
1776 posts

If you want my advice, if you are registered with AIRE in Florence, you could consider going also to the AIRE office at viale Guidoni. You may ask a Carta d'Identità (ID card), you just need 4 passport photos and to show a previous document (the expiring passport will be good). It costs a few euros and it can be done on the spot. You can have a Carta d'identità valida per l'espatrio that is recognized as a valid ID to travel in most of European states including UK.

Both the carta valida per l'espatrio and the passport are issued if you do not have minor children. If you have minor children it is required that the other parent countersigns your request (a judge can authorize issuing the documents if the other parent does not agree). This is to prevent people with little children fleeing away without taking care of them.

Posted by
12 posts


Thank you.
Your advice is spot on as ive just found out.
My wife is signing the ATTO DI ASSENSO TRA GENITORI papers as we speak, I did wonder why this was nessesary but you have explained it perfectly and what a great idea it is too.
It is indeed the Carta d'indentita that they are going to give me.

I fly out wednesday so I let you know the outcome.

Many thanks for the excellent advise.

Posted by
12 posts

Just an update to say that i travelled to Florence and obtained the Carta d'indentita, then applied for my New Italian passport which should be ready next week. This will be collected and sent to me by my cousin.
Thanks for all your help.

Posted by
1776 posts

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate people that take a minute to update threads after their trips, making infos more valuable for everybody.

Posted by
45 posts

I'd just like to thank everyone for an interesting thread. I have been through so much immigration drama in life I have PTSD and every story is educational. I wish everyone with immigration/naturalization struggles all the best!

We better get this Earthly bureaucracy sorted before our galactic overlords return and need to use global immigration processes!

Posted by
752 posts

You can get the Identity card without being a resident in Italy? The Consulate in Chicago told me that I had to get the Identity card in Italy, but when I asked the Florence "Immigration" Office about it, they said I had to be a resident first. Then they said I could get only that tax # card, Codisce Fiscale, but anybody in the world can get that. I have the CF, but if I can get the Identity card, I'd like to have that. Anybody have some information on a nonresident obtaining the Identity card?

Posted by
12 posts

Well i can tell you that in order to get the identidy card, it can only be issued where you are registered.
When I arrived in florence i found out that i was actually registered in BARI, my father did it years ago.
So florence had to request permissision from BARI first in order to give me the card, then they were able to proceed.
Passport was the same situation, Florence had to get permission from london where my passport was originally issued to proceed.

Posted by
12 posts

Well i can tell you that in order to get the identidy card, it can only be issued where you are registered.
When I arrived in florence i found out that i was actually registered in BARI, my father did it years ago.
So florence had to request permissision from BARI first in order to give me the card, then they were able to proceed.
Passport was the same situation, Florence had to get permission from london where my passport was originally issued to proceed.

Posted by
1776 posts

Sandra, as it was already told in this thread, are you registered with AIRE? Regular Italian residents are all registered with a comune that keep records for that persons; the office keeping records is "anagrafe". For Italians residing abroad, communes have a special anagrafe section called AIRE where you can register. If you register, for example, with AIRE in Florence, the Florence comune will manage your records as you were living there - but they know you are living abroad.

A Carta di identità to a foreign residents is issued by the AIRE office, so you have to be registered there to get it. You may ask to another comune but they will first have to inquire with AIRE where you are registered.

Posted by
752 posts

Yes I'm registered at Amaseno, Frosinone, Lazio, home of my paternal grandfather.

I got my Codisce Fiscale at Amaseno/Frosinone only because the bus on the CF office route in Florence was driven by a Harry Potter Ogre. I'm not kidding. This gal zipped that bus down city streets, skidded at stops, and careened it around corners on one side. Nobody ever got off. They couldn't. When they did, she'd brake real hard, fights would break out with passengers yelling at the driver and she just yelled back. So I gave up on doing business in Florence.

Are you saying that I could also have obtained the Identity card at Amaseno? I didn't even try because Florence said I had to be a resident in Italy to obtain it. Is it true that a registered nonresident can obtain the Identity card? I'd love to have that.

Posted by
1776 posts

In theory, you could obtain an identity card at Amaseno on the spot - bring some photos (some communes ask for 2, some for 3, some for 4). If the ID card is to be valid for traveling out of Italy and you have minor children, you need the other parent to countersign the request, as we have already told. It will cost a few euro.

I believe that as an Italian citizen residing abroad you can ask an identity card to any other comune, but in this case they will have to ask Amaseno first and it could take up to a month. Probably you can ask your nearest consulate also, but again they will have to ask Amaseno first and it will not be done on the spot.

Posted by
752 posts

Hey thanks for the info here. I'll go back to the Consulate here in a few days and figure this out. In the meantime I'm getting four photos ready.

Posted by
1776 posts

A correction. While I see that Italian consulates in several European countries (EU countries plus Switzerland and Norway) issue carte d'identità, I am not sure consulates in the U.S. do. From their web pages, I see that U.S. consulates can stamp an existing card to extend its expiry term, not so sure they will issue it as a first instance. Probably this because such European countries acknowledge Italian identity cards as valid IDs for intra-European travel, while for U.S. you need a full passport.

Posted by
1 posts

Hi, I am an Italian national and I am 58 years old. I have been living in Britain since I was 4 years old. I have been married to a British citizen since July 2011, and we have a son together who is 16 years old. My husband is telling me to apply for a British passport, and I would like some information and advice as to how I can apply for this, and how much this would cost.