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Need some help with our Italian trip itinerary

My boyfriend and I are planning a 11 day trip to Italy during Thanksgiving, from 11/25 to 12/5. We're flying into Rome and flying out from Venice.

This is the itinerary so far:
11/25 - 11/26 Enroute to Rome. Arrive Rome at 7am. Sleep in Rome. 11/27 Rome. Sleep in Rome. 11/28 To Tuscany. Sleep in Tuscany (I'm leaning towards Siena). 11/29 Tuscany. Sleep in the same town as the night before. 11/30 To Florence. Sleep in Florence. 12/1 Florence. Sleep in Florence. 12/2 To Cinque Terre. Sleep in Cinque Terre. 12/3 To Venice. Sleep in Venice. 12/4 Venice. Sleep in Venice. 12/5 Back to US.

I know this is a rather hectic schedule. However, my boyfriend much prefer a more action packed schedule. Since this is my 2nd trip to Italy (spent 5 days in Rome before) but his first, I don't really mind going at a faster pace and just assume I will come back later (and I will!!).

We really don't have much preference in terms of what to see. We're both very easy-going and just want to experience as much the Italian culture as possible. We're just trying to mix up the urban vs. country and the culture vs. nature.

I have some logistics questions regarding this itinerary that I would like your advice on:
1. The cost of training from Rome to a hilltown that will serve as our base for 2 nights and train from that hilltown to Florence vs. the cost of renting a car from Rome and drive all the way up through Tuscany and return the car at Florence. Which one will be cheaper? We only plan on visiting maximum of 3 hilltowns. Our only concern with driving is that neither of us know how to drive manual, so we might have to pay more for an automatic car.
2. I will be in a Tuscan hilltown on Sunday and Monday. Will everything be closed?
And lastly, any general advice on my itinerary?

Thanks for reading my long post. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted by
306 posts

I think the itinerary looks great. You will feel rushed in CT since you are not giving your self a full day there. CT is pretty awesome but it may not be worth the trip if you can only spend less than a full day there. You will also be going out of the way to your final destination in Venice.

As for your specific questions: (1) I think it is a good idea to stay in a hill town on Sunday and Monday so when you go to Florence on Tuesday and Wednesday you will be assured that everything is open. If you decide to stay in Siena the fastest way there from Rome is to take the bus instead of a train. You will not want to rent a car because driving one way with a rental car will cost you and arm and a leg.

(2) By "everything being closed" are you referring to museums and tourist attractions? If so I don't think we can answer that without knowing the specific museum or attraction you are looking at.

Posted by
33 posts

Hi Scott, thanks for your feedback. I am hesitating to go to CT because of shortage of time, but I've always always want to go there and thought inserting a trip to the coast would be a nice break from all those cities that we'll be visiting. I definitely will consider scraping CT altogether if I can't find a way to spend time there in a reasonable amount of time.
By "everything be closed" I meant restaurants, shops, and buses/trains. I'm a little concern with that since we'll be in small towns on Sunday and Monday.
Again thanks a lot. This forum has been so helpful for my trip planning.

Posted by
7737 posts

I would scrap the CT especially considering the time of year.

Posted by
55 posts

As long as you have the energy, looks like a fun trip!

1: For train prices, check Cars generally cost about 60 euros/day and up - more (say, 100 euros/day) if you want an automatic. Plus, an automatic will be harder to find. Remember, however, that depending on which "hilltown" you're talking about, the train station might/probably won't be right in the center -- so chalk in time for walking/busing your way to the center of the town.
2: Depends where you are. But yes, some stores/restaurants will likely be closed -- those that open on Sunday will also open later (say, noon).

Hope that helps!


Posted by
510 posts

I agree with the advice to skip the CT this trip. I think it merits at least three nights and would be a great destination for your next trip to Italy. If you want a break from the cities, consider staying in a smaller town outside of Siena that you can daytrip to Siena from. I think the smaller towns are wonderful at night when the day trippers leave and the locals come out and walk around.

Posted by
33 posts

Thank you all for the advice. I think we'll scrap CT this trip and tag it with another trip in the future. :-)
If we are staying in Siena on Sunday and Monday, on top of the fact that we'll be there late Autumn, will we have trouble going to other towns like San Gimignano using public transportation?
I just read about the high tides in Venice. Has anyone encounter before? How bad could it affect our experience there?

Thanks again for all your great advice.

Posted by
306 posts

I have stayed in Siena on a Sunday and Monday in the fall and I had no problem with things being closed. Some things are closed or have limited hours but there will be plenty for you to see and do on a Sunday and Monday. You can spend a whole day just wondering around the town. You also shouldn't have a problem catching a bus to San Gimgnano, but again the hours of operation might be limited on Sunday.

Posted by
15771 posts

I agree about dropping CT on a winter trip. If you want a charming town with a different feel, you could add Verona between Florence and Venice.

I think it is worth 2 days, but you could see a lot of it as a day trip - get an early train from Florence, leave your luggage at the station, then get an evening train to Venice.