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need security advice

My wife and I are experienced travelers, and we'll be in Italy 5 weeks in April/May. Is it safe to stash photo copies of credit cards, passports in luggage as a precaution against loss? Rick recommends this elsewhere here, but since luggage is vulnerable to loss or theft, isn't it a BAD idea to do this? I scanned these docs and mailed them to myself; maybe that is enough?

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23534 posts

My personal opinion is that copies of cards/numbers is just as dangerous as the card themselves. And putting them in email is no better because if you open that email at an internet cafe there is no security. To get around that I use a simple alpha/numeric substitution code for all numbers. That way if someone gets a hold of the copies or the email, it means nothing. And the code is strong enough that for all practical purposes it is unbreakable. And foolproof for coding. If you like I can send you the method.

Posted by
24 posts


Thank you... just sent you a personal message for info on the code.

Hoping a numerically challenged idiot (me) can use it under stress....

I wonder if Rick wants to change his advice on this?

Posted by
345 posts

I agree with you and other travel experts strongly recommend against this as well. I use a bit of RS advice as follows:

I carry my extra Passport PHOTOS (not the passport) in my luggage in the event I need to replace my passport. On RS advice, I have put a COPY of my passport in my luggage, but not in the RS document pouch, just inconspicously tucked away in my travel papers and documents. I weigh the risk/benefit of doing depending on my trip since my passport is safe in my money belt.

It would be OK to put the PHONE numbers for your credit cards in your luggage, but not the actual card numbers.

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23534 posts

I think there is difference between security of a passport and security of credit card numbers. An original passport is useful because it can be altered, picture changed etc., however,a copy of a passport is nearly worthless -- it contains very little personal information. However, a copy of a credit card is far more valuable because you can use if immediately. Therefore, I don't worry too much about the security of passport copies but do worry about credit cards.

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12313 posts

I keep a list of my credit card numbers and the non-800 number to call if lost or stolen. You could even limit it to the last four digit of your account number. I don't take photo copies of the card. You don't need the security digits on the back of the card or the name and expiration date on the front of the card but that will help a thief use your account.

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2257 posts

My husband and I carry different credit/debit cards and we each carry a photocopy of only each other's cards in our money belt. This way they are secure.

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23534 posts

That is an video of old method that has been around for a long time. As easy as it is to get into the bag it is just as easy to prevent. You cannot prevent someone from popping the zipper but you can prevent them from re-zipping the case by immobilizing the zippers. The key to closing the bag is that the two way zipper has to be able to move. Just make sure all the zipper are locked together so that zippers cannot move.