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NEED HELP finding a family member

Hi. Our 18 year-old has stopped e-mailing regularly. We're concerned that he may have a problem. We know he's in a hostel in Corniglia right now, but after today we don't have an itinerary for him. Does anybody have any suggestions how we might contact him?

Posted by
23727 posts

Just call the hostel in Corniglla and ask. They will have a telephone.

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you. I am just googling that and hoping they have only one hostel. We know he has not had any luck getting his phone cards to work, and maybe the internet connections are hard to get there? Thank you, again.

Posted by
2188 posts

When his next email starts with "mom, I've met a very special girl," then you'll understand why you haven't heard from him...LOL. Just kidding. Seriously, I'd guess that he's having a hard time getting an internet connection. As the old staying goes, "bad news travels fast," so he's probably just fine and having the time of his life.

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you for the reassurances. We have managed to reach the hostel in Corniglia. Turns out there's only one there. They said he had checked in yesterday, wasn't back yet today, but they'd give him the message to call or e-mail home. They were extremely nice on the phone and via e-mail. Obviously great people there.

Posted by
23727 posts

AND I am willing to bet big bucks that this is not the first time they have received a call from a worried parent. We were much better with the second than the first son.

Posted by
2188 posts

I'm sure you are not the only concerned parent they've ever heard from. Glad he's accounted for. I know when we travel, we always plan to check email every day (for business reasons), but we get so caught up in travel and sights, that sometimes it winds up being every other day................and we are far from 18-year olds. It's often hard to get an internet connection, or there are long waits for computers available via hotels. So, it sounds like he's getting out seeing/enjoying/learning, and that's what travel is all about. How wonderful to be seeing the world at a young age; that's often the very best kind of education, which leads to a better understanding of people and world points of view. You'll sleep better this evening :) Now, he'll be worried when he gets the phone message, concerned that something really bad has happened at home.

Posted by
10 posts

We took two Europe/England trips using the Rick Steves' guidebooks. These were some of the best times we've had as a family. The boys were 10 and 12 on the first trip, 15 and 17 on the second trip. I love Rick Steves' guidebooks and this on-line community. Thank you to everyone for their kind words and observations!

Posted by
32417 posts

Antje, It's good to hear that the Hostel had some encouraging news for you. As you've discovered, there is indeed only one Hostel in Corniglia (it's only been there for a year or two, but looks really nice). A suggestion for future reference.... You might consider having him take a Cell phone along on his next trip, as that's a much more reliable and timely method of keeping in touch, especially when sending texts. Sent texts are usually in the range of 75¢ each and received are free! If he sent you a text once a day, I'm sure that wouldn't "break" his travel budget. The phone would have to be obtained from AT&T or T-Mobile in the U.S., or he could buy an unlocked GSM quad-band handset off E-Bay and then purchase a SIM when he arrives in Europe. If he's going to be staying in Europe for awhile on this trip, he could pick up a local PAYG Phone in Italy (should be a store in La Spezia) for about €30. Cheers!

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11891 posts

39 years ago, this then 19-year-old spent 7 weeks in Europe with a friend. My mother was lucky to get a letter a week from me, no phone calls, and we traveling girls relied on American Express offices, where letters from our boyfriends and families were held until our itinerary caught up. I did come home engaged, though.... Seriously the CT has the worst Internet connectivity, and it is expensive there. Do let us know when he contacts you, OK Antje?

Posted by
10 posts

Thanks to both of the above for their messages. When he planned this trip, Mom (me) said she was O.K. with it as long as he was traveling WITH somebody else. Obviously that did not happen. ;) He has been meeting some great folks along the way, but that's different. Even as an adult, I prefer to travel with someone who can take a turn watching my pack for a minute or help figure something out at the train station. The GOOD news is that he finally e-mailed! Turns out the hostel charges for internet access and he had decided to wait until the next big city. When he got our message, he changed his mind. We asked him to buy a cell phone in France and in Italy, perhaps one with prepaid minutes. He failed to do so in France and I can only hope he does so when he gets to the next big city. I will pass on your information. Thanks!

Posted by
32417 posts

Antje, If he's going to be in Corniglia for a few more days, he can probably find a cheap PAYG Phone in La Spezia. The train ride is cheap and takes about 20-minutes each way, so it wouldn't be a huge effort. I'm assuming you also have a Cell phone? As I mentioned, texting is cheap, but it might be easier to wait until he sends you a text, as you won't know his number. Once he's sent a message, you can simply reply.