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Need a good laugh?

Saw this ad on AutoEurope yesterday:

“With a car rental in Naples, Italy you can enjoy the freedom to discover downtown Naples and the Campania region with ease, while completely enriching your Italian travel experience. “

I’ve driven plenty in the Italian countryside, but I’ll never find out how much freedom and ease driving in downtown Naples might offer me...pretty sure it’s not the kind of freedom I might enjoy. Has anyone here done it? And survived to tell us more?

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11839 posts

This ad no doubt designed for suckers who believe you cannot travel unless you have a car. How funny!

Maybe the city of Naples financed it with an eye toward improving revenues from tickets.

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54 posts

I've driven in Rome but not Naples. Driving in Rome reminds me of the story about the little girl who went on a roller coaster ride with her daddy and, after it was over, looked up at him and said, "Gee that was fun; let's never do that again."

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7209 posts

But some people are gullible enough to actually BELIEVE such a lie...

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8233 posts

But some people are gullible enough to actually BELIEVE such a lie...

you may all be experts in travel in Italy but you may have been suckered in some aspect yourselves. LOL!

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323 posts

We were in Naples on one occasion and saw three long lines of traffic facing one another and no one seemed willing to budge. But for the life of us we don't know how they would have moved anywhere even if they wanted to. We were walking and were very glad we had no car. Of course, all the Italians were blowing their horns and yelling at one another. It was funny to us but we were glad we were on foot and going to the train station.

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16210 posts

With a car rental in Naples you can enjoy the freedom ...... of traveling without a car.

Naples has one of the highest rates of car thefts in Italy.

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15798 posts

Obviously whoever came up with it, and whoever okayed, and everyone else involved have never ever been to Naples.

Thanks for today's laugh-out-loud-alone-at-home.