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Navigating the Spanish Steps in Rome

We are considering staying at a hotel at the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome. Other than climbing up and down the steps, is there another way to walk to the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navonna, etc. or is there an elevatior? We are traveling with my parents and it will be difficult for them to climb the steps often. Thank you.

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32419 posts


Unfortunately, steps are a fact of life in Italy whether it's the Metro stations or the Spanish Steps.

As I recall, the Spanish Steps have somewhat of a "low rise" so they're fairly easy to navigate. However if your parents have "mobility issues", you might try and find a Hotel that's somewhat central to the sights you're most interested in.

There is NO elevator at the Spanish Steps AFAIK (at least I've never seen one).

Happy travels!

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23742 posts

Remember, Rome is built on seven hills which is a lot of up and down. I think long inclines can be worst than steps. Many of the steps will be rough, not cut to American code, and no hand rails.

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58 posts

There is an elevator located at the Spanish Steps Metro stop that takes you the majority of the way up to top. A short flight of stairs leads to the street. I'm not sure about times of operation.
Since your hotel is located on a hill, you can bypass the stairs altogether and walk down the side streets leading to these sites. Regards.

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2207 posts

The elevator, just inside the Spagna metro station, usually closes around 8 PM - sometimes later on weekends and summer. As stated, it takes you within one short flight of stairs to the top of the steps, coming up on the top left side of the Steps.

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340 posts

Thank you all so much for your input and advice!
- Lise