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NAVICA vs. EMed???

Can someone give me “idiot proof”, step by step instructions on how to use the proctored self COVID test for a return flight from Italy? I currently have the NAVICA app with myself and my wife entered in there. I also have an eMed account. I’m honestly not looking for opinions about how easy it is. I just what instructions on each step of the process. Thanks a lot!

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2768 posts

I’ve done it multiple times - it’s the test my kids school used to allow them to return after an illness.

Set up NAVICA app account - must be done in the US

When it’s time - enter the app and sign in

Tap “I have a test”

scan the code on your test box. Do not open the test box! There is a barcode/QR code on the outside of the box. Scan it with the phone camera. There are a couple barcode stickers on some tests. If one doesn’t work try the other. I forget which is which.

If it doesn’t scan (this happened to me once but it was my error), there’s a “having trouble” option that takes you to emed where you can start. I forgot how this worked but it was not a problem.

If it scans correctly, you are connected with a proctor. He or she looks at your ID then tells you to open the box, instructs you on how to position your camera so they can see you, and tells you how to do the test.

They watch you do it, then they sign off and a timer starts. After 15 minutes you can click to have the results read. Of course you can see the test and read it yourself but it’s verified here.

When you click, another proctor comes on. They look at your test, tell you the result, and that’s pretty much it. The result shows up in the app and by email as a pdf file within minutes.

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2710 posts

I want to add a note about what Mira said above about adding the Navica app in the US. I just added it to my phone here in Spain. I didn’t add it in the US because I wasn’t planning on doing the Binax to re-enter the US next week but I have the test with me and changed my mind.

I was able to put the app on both an iPhone and an Android from my hotel room WiFi.

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319 posts

Thanks for the information, it was all very helpful!

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37 posts

I have a question. My adult daughter and I are going to be using the Navica app for our Abbot antigen test. The box has 2 test kits in it. Do we each need to sign in to our own Navica accounts? Or can I click on start a test and the proctor watches both of us test? How does that work when 2 people are both testing?

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3376 posts

sawyerrn, you each need your own accounts. If you're using the same device for the test, make sure the first person logs out after her test and then the second person logs into her own account to start the test.

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1832 posts

sawyerrn: as mentioned above you do need each to have an account ; singed up for in advance and seperately do the test
We traveled with our young daughter and my wife filled out a custodial type account for my daughter on her phone to use one app for 2 different people ; but each test was done completely seperate and results emailed seperate as well.

BUT will add: make sure you have the correct test approved for travel.
To my knowledge those only have 1 test per box, not 2!

I just used these tests in Portugal and plan on using them in Italy in a few weeks unless US entry rules change by then.

to the OP; the whole NAVICA app thing is confusing. You need to setup an account on the APP but then actually never use the app while taking the test. You scan in the QR code on the test box and it takes you to the EMed site to test.
The results are emailed to you but also presentable in your NAVICA app.
They could have made the thing less confusing by not including the NAVICA aspects but is what it is.

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2 posts

Sorry to say, but I am a little confused here. Do I need both an eMed account and the Navica app? I bought the BinaxNow test kits and it says to go the eMed site to take the test. There is a sleeve on the boxes that say to do this. But it also says on the box itself to log in to the Navica app. I set up accounts with both of these, so what do I do when it is time to take the test. I spoke to someone at eMed a little while ago and he said they would send the results to Navica and to my e-mail. Which one should I use?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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3376 posts

guitarbob, when it’s time to take the test, go to emed and log in there. The test results will be emailed to you and you can access them on the navica app. I just had the hotel print them out for me and I never even looked at the results on navica.

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2 posts

Thank you Carrie, I appreciate your reply. This will be our first trip to Europe and the only thing that is causing any anxiety is the covid test that we have to take the day before we leave to come home. Hopefully, everything will go smooth and we will get a decent wi-fi connection in Bellagio. Thanks again!

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9 posts

Thankfully testing requirement for air travel is lifted. I just tested for a cruise. This time I needed both NAVICA & eMed accounts. When I tested to fly back to US in April, it could all be done via NAVICA login. But the poster has both already, I see. Make sure your browser (safari for me) is allowed access to microphone and camera (on iPhone it is in the settings for safari.). Plan to be unable to understand the proctors. I took a “practice” test before the first time, since I was responsible for getting others through it. Well worth it.