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(Now Postponed) National Strike in Italy Scheduled March 9th

02/24 Edited title to reflect changes mentioned in posts below.

Not all scheduled strikes come to pass, but this could be disruptive to some folks travel plans...

Nationwide transportation strike. Trains, 24-hour strike 9PM March 8th to 9PM March 9th
Planes, ferries, and other local transport, all 24 hours of March 9th

The Italian MIT strike website...

A brief description in English....

Posted by
17603 posts

Thank you, Eric!

When I saw the date I wondered, France or Italy? We have tickets on the train from Brig to Milan on March 10. And more train travel in Italy after that, on the 11th and 17.

Posted by
1822 posts

Following on Kathy's post, La Republica is reporting just now that all strikes in essential services were in fact prohibited through March 31.
Garante, stop scioperi fino al 31 marzo
La Commissione di garanzia sugli scioperi nei servizi pubblici essenziali, preso atto dello stato di emergenza sanitaria proclamato sul territorio nazionale, rivolge un fermo invito a tutte le Organizzazioni sindacali ed alle Associazioni professionali affinché non vengano effettuate astensioni collettive dal 25 febbraio al 31 marzo 2020, al fine di evitare ulteriore aggravio alle Istituzioni coinvolte nell'attività di prevenzione e contenimento della diffusione del virus.

Posted by
16877 posts

Thanks for finding that, Mike!
At least that's a bit of good news in the face of a whole lot of not-so-good, eh?

Posted by
3812 posts

The unions that had called for the strike are so small... I'd rather have the strike back and dump the virus! My grandmother's sewing club has more members