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Naples trash!

I just read on the BBC news site that there is a garbage "war" going on in the Naples area and the burning of huge piles is causing toxic gas releases. Italy is warning about health issues and disease.

Is it a place to avoid? Anyone been there recently?

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13 posts

I was there at the begining of November, and I saw some fires out in the suberbs through the windows of the metro, but never saw any in a place where I was walking around. The air in Naples did seem quite polluted though, but the visit was definately worth it.

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102 posts

Hi Joe,
The trash story was a major concern last spring. Large trash piles were all over Naples (not in the tourist areas) because the authorities had no place to dispose of it. According to reports the landfills were full.

The good news is that the trash piles started to disappear in August and I think things are almost back to normal now. We were there in September and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Some smoke in the mountains from a fire here or there but very low level air pollution. If I was not aware of the trash "war" I would not have even noticed it. It won't have any effect on your travel.

Have a great trip!!

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223 posts

depending on the season..some of the fires you see in the coutryside of Southern Italy are actually farmers buring the olives branches that they have pruned from the trees...they do it on assigned days of the week and so somtimes you see quite a few little smoke stacks around. (just wanted you to know it's not all garbage!)

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1 posts


I live in Naples (Military member) and since August the problem has worsened, not gotten better, as stated in a previous e-mail. The mafia trucks in trash from other areas and dumps it in Naples, then when the people can't stand to look at the piles anymore, they burn them so the mafia makes big bucks for doing nothing. (22 Billion Euro per year!!!) The US Embassy in Rome has issued a health warning so you might want to check their site. Also, protesters are blocking train tracks, streets and even dirt roads making traffic stand still. Getting around is impossible. If you have money spent, stay in Rome or northern Italy, Naples is a mess right now.

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36 posts

Hello Joe,

Unfortunately, the situation is alarming !
If you stay around in Chiaia and Posilipo (wealthy areas) this does not happen, but within suburbs, and other areas (like downtown) it is sad. Sorry, but it is a mafia situation....

If you plan to come south and still visit a few things in Naples and surroundings, come to sorrento and make it the hub for your trip, you can reach Pompeii, Herculaneum and other areas fro Sorrento. The city is calm and clean.

Take Care

ps. aside from that, I still love Naples....

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32336 posts

According to news reports this afternoon, there have been street blockades and conflicts regarding the "garbage situation", resulting in Riot Police being deployed.

It seems surprising that none of the authorities had enough foresight to recognize that the landfills were close to full. Thanks to the two previous Posts for shedding some light on the Mafia involvement - I had no idea they were involved in the situation.

Cinthya, excellent suggestion for visitors to stay in the Amalfi coast area. That would certainly be my preference!