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Naples to Sorrento - New Train Service

OK, it is new to me. I frequently read this forum and have not seen it mentioned.

Starting last year a new train service, Campania Express, was stared between Naples and Sorrento. It runs 4 times a day only from mid March to mid October and only has stops at Naples, Herculaneum, Pompeii and Sorrento. It is called a tourist train. You can make reservations and be guaranteed a seat..

Posted by
636 posts

Bob, I did not know about this--thank you. I am going to Sorrento via Naples in two weeks and this is causing me to rethink my plan to take the ferry.

Posted by
8253 posts

If the times work, it would likely be great. The regular Circumvesuvia train is soooo sloooow and lots of stops, what is the time difference between the two?

Posted by
1637 posts

The Campania Express takes 50 minutes to go from Naples to Sorrento.

Posted by
2124 posts

And the Circumvesuviana takes 66 minutes. We're taking one next March that leaves Garibaldi at 14:11 and arrives Sorrento at 15:17. Maybe the guaranteed seat in season makes a difference. Cost difference?

I don't see the big whoop--and I've never ridden the Circumvesuviana--unless there are breakdowns all the time or it's basically the same cost.

Posted by
1625 posts

Thanks Bob! Making this trip next May and have not even started my research on train between the two places, I figured I would just look on the Trenetalia website and figure it out.

Posted by
81 posts

Thanks for sharing Bob.

However, I must say they should call it the Frightened Tourist Train. It is essentially a train so that scared tourists feel more comfortable going to tourist locations. Which is fine, many places accommodate tourists in this way, like the train from Paris to Versailles. At least the Versailles train makes financial and trip-planning sense. In this new train to Sorrento makes no sense at all. Totally restricting your day so spend more than double and save 15 min. The CV line is perfectly adequate for a local train and smart travelers can blend in with the locals and be less of a target for the pick-pockets. All the gypsies will just switch over to plaguing the tourist train.

Posted by
636 posts

I have been emailing the owner of the B&B in Sorrento where I'm staying, and she recommends the ferry over the train. Alibus from the airport to the port (Beverello) where the ferry departs. I have not compared the cost but that would not be a big factor.

Posted by
1637 posts

I am not recommending one over the other. I was just reporting a new alternative.

I have ridden on the Circumvesuviana. Leaving Naples in the late afternoon it was packed Sardines. We stood all the way to Sorrento. No worry about pick pockets as they could not get to you or get away. I would take the Campania Express at this time of day. While we were in Sorrento we took the Circumvesuviana to and from Pompeii at off peak hours and it was fine and, depending which fit my schedule best, I would now take either one.

Posted by
5697 posts

The part about seat reservations might settle it for me if the timing was right -- Circumvesuviana can be a crowded mess when you have luggage. The additional cost is minimal in the grand scheme of trip expenses. (Considering how many people are willing to spend $150-$200 extra for a little more legroom in Economy Plus airline seats.)

Posted by
2124 posts

Right on, Bob. Other options are always a good thing.

I am hoping that the Naples Centrale to Sorrento CV train at 2PM in early March will not be crowded, but I guess you can never tell, can you? If it were July, you damn right I'd pony up for the express.

And Laura--YES, on certain airlines (ahem, United), the Economy Plus would be worth the $150-$200 for 8-10 hours. That's why were flying Lufthansa, which have had normal legroom on the couple flights I've taken.

Posted by
16752 posts

Yep, options are great. The ferry is fine but it's nice to just get off one train and onto another without having to transfer to the docks. The boats are also not a lot of fun in the rain: been there; done that.

I'm guessing the Express train might be a little less sardine-like during peak hours but we had the same experience as Bob when we did Pompeii on the regular Circ.

Posted by
15798 posts

Jay, when I was there (February), I only remember one trip that I didn't get a seat right away, that was on Saturday afternoon from Naples to Sorrento with my suitcase. The train is like the el - a few seats, lots of standing room, multiple doors in each car.

Posted by
5697 posts

@ponygirl, if you are coming into Naples AIRPORT you can hop on a €10 air-conditioned bus direct to Sorrento, no need to get yourself into Naples to transfer to another means of transportation. (If the schedule works for you.)

Posted by
11613 posts

Letizia, the Circumvesuviana is not a Trenitalia line, not sure you can find their schedule there.

Bob, overcrowded trains are preferred by pickpockets, who work th CV in groups, so they have an exit route planned, and you will not notice one more person crushed up against you. Just keep your purse or daybag in front of you and you should be fine.

Posted by
35 posts

@Laura B,

My wife and I will be flying into Naples next March, and trying to figure out the best way to get to Sorrento. Can you please tell me more about the 10 Euro bus that goes direct to Sorrento? I have not seen that option in my research so far...


Posted by
771 posts

Wade, it is the Curreri Viaggi,

We used it in May, and it was convenient. We didn't make reservations in case of flight delays. When we landed I checked at the information desk, and they directed me to the pick-up point. In our case, there was a bus waiting, and we got right on. I believe we paid the driver. The schedule indicates that it's about 45 minutes, but that depends on traffic. We got on about noon on a Tuesday, and it was at least an hour to Sorrento. It brings you to the Sorrento train station which is also a hub for buses and taxis.