How far is Bari from Naples? Is it a day trip drive? What are the roads like? We will be cruising and have a stop in Nales. Would like to see Bari where my family is from but it is not on our cruise path. we are considering when cruise ends in Rome to drive down to Bari or while on cruise stop in Naples driving to Bari. Not sure if this could be done in a day or what is the better option. Any suggestions appreciated!
It is not a day trip. I did it by train from Bari to Naples and now I don't remember exactly how many hours it was but right now I can say it was a long ride for a day trip and I went just 1 leg of it and by train which is faster than car.
By train...close to 5 hrs. Bus...3hrs 10 min. hrs. Car...3 hrs.
Way too long as a cruise stop.