Has anyone made the trip by train? It seems longer then it should. Many stops?
It's about two hours with one change, longer with more changes. The train is a regionale, which run on the old, slower tracks and make more stops. About €13 for the train I checked.
Thank you...now I understand. We may opt for a car and driver.
Did you enjoy Avellino
Interesting bit of trivia for those who don't know; On the show Sopranos, Tony's family originally comes from Avellino.
Vikki, I went to Avellino a long time ago, but I did enjoy it. (The train information I posted earlier is up to date.)
Wow, I love Tony. My grandfathers' family is from Avellino and some still may be. My GF was a tough guy too so it must be in the water. LOL My GM family is from Caserta. Want to stop there too.
Caserta!!! I love that palace! I have only been once for real, but I went in March and it was a gorgeous day to look at the palace (that was designed to look like Versailles) and the gardens are so much larger than they look....it was a day trip from Salerno for me, and it was a perfect distance and amount of activity for a relaxing day....
Caserta is in easy reach of Naples via train takes under an hour. Taxi to Reggio Caserta (Palace)
Is your GM from Caserta or from Old Caserta on the hill above the Palace?
His documents say San Paola Caserta
Caserta is in easy reach of Naples via train takes under an hour. Taxi to Reggio Caserta (Palace) Is your GM from Caserta or from Old Casertaveccia on the hill above the Palace?
Another overlooked site in the area is Capua amphitheater