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Naples, Nativity Sets, Christmas Ornaments

We will be in Naples in February. I'd like to purchase a small nativity set. Is it a good assumption that they are sold year round? Is there a certain street/area where they are sold? I want an authentic, made in Naples set. Are there shops that sell ones from China, that I need to be aware of? Any other tips? I rarely buy nonfood/alcohol souvenirs other than key chains for tree ornaments. I am not much of a shopper.

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11833 posts

I hope you realize that you will have to spend a GREAT deal of money. We splurged to buy one small figure of an angel from a hand carved Nativity set. I keep it out year round. I also am not a shopper!

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1245 posts

I hope someone with recent knowledge can help you with this. Several years ago on our Village Italy tour, our guide did take us down the street with the permanent reputable shops and yes, did warn us about there being knockoffs from China if we bought elsewhere. The figurines were amazing, different characters, shapes and sizes but also expensive. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the street name but hopefully some one else knows.

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1646 posts

Via San Gregorio Armeno

Sets and figures of all sizes

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575 posts

We went two years ago on a one day trip from Rome. Unfortunately it was Nov 1st and it was a holiday so many locals were out & the street & alley were very crowded. This was 2022 so Covid still a big concern so didn’t spend a lot of time there. Wish we had gotten more. I didn’t find it very expensive for local crafts

I got one figure and a few ornaments. But sad tale walking home from the train station in Rome somewhere along the way lost one of the ornaments because I was taking out my camera so often to take pics. And it just have fallen out of my backpack.

Really wish I had gotten more. It was a very interesting street seeing all the local soccer player figures and famous people.

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378 posts

Nancy is correct.
Hundreds of shops. Complete sets, stable and add your own figures. By figures don't just mean the usual but Maradona, political figures, cartoon figures, etc.

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6738 posts

Thank you all for the info, and Nancy for the street name. We won't be spending much time shopping, I don't have the patience for it, but if we can make a detour down the street with authentic pieces that would be awesome.

Don't think I'll be adding any political figures. In fact, if I see any, that would probably end my browsing.