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Naples Airport

My daughter and I are flying from Dublin to Rome in August, staying for a while then traveling to Sorrento. It seems like it makes sense to fly out of Naples to Dublin for the return instead of Rome. My questions:,is the airport safe for two women, easy to navigate and find your gates? Also, somewhere I thought I read it is a dangerous airport to fly out of due to the mountains in the area?(more so than Rome) Thoughts? Thank you.

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1583 posts

Not fully sure why you would think an airport in a 1st world country would be unsafe. You will probably have more hassles getting an honest cab driver than have any issues at the airport. It is a small airport, so you will be at your gate within 2-3 mins of clearing security.

Lots of flights take-off and land at that airport every day and I for one haven't heard of any near misses with the near by mountains so I would say you are getting yourself worked up over nothing.

When we flew out of Naples, this was about 5 years ago, the aircraft went out over the sea right away before turning North and flying a little along the coast. I obviously don't know what all the flight paths into/out of Naples are but I wouldn't worry about it. Our flight was headed for MUC and so turned inland and we had some great views of snow covered mountains but this was some time into the flight.

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5 posts

Ok. Just trying to get a feel for time frame once we got to the airport..glad to know its small and easy to navigate. Thanks for the advice..(yes, a bit nervous with all this planning )

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842 posts

We have flown in or out of the Naples airport a couple of times, and never had an issue. It is small and very easy to navigate. We also wandered around the neighborhood looking for a dinner restaurant and found a great one. We felt safe the whole time.

The wonderful Curerrei bus, that services Sorrento, is right outside the gates.

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1078 posts

We flew out of Naples in March. Took the bus from the Sorrento train station direct to the airport. It was kind of chaotic, but I thought it was pretty safe.

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9110 posts

Aircraft, on either approach or departure, do not fly willy-nilly where ever it suits the pilot. They fly prescribed tracks, each segment of which has a mandated minimum altitude. Obstacles are skirted by a wide magin. Absent gross pilot error or catastrophic mechanical failure, mountains are not a factor.