My wife and I are getting prepared for our very first trip to Europe coming up in just five short months. We have booked our flights (coming from Raleigh, NC area) and will stay an extra night in Venice (before the tour) and Rome before heading back home. Already have those nights confirmed with hotels as well. I was just curious if we might be able to connect with others booked for this trip and perhaps compare notes on things to do while visiting. Anybody else going that might be able to share some insights with a couple of travel newbies? Obviously, I'm reading through both RS books on Venice and Rome, as well as many of these forum posts to continue taking notes in my Italy notebook.
Wife is interested in most of the "must see" sites and activities like Coliseum, Sistine Chapel, Gondola ride, cooking class, etc. I'm more into finding out-of-the-way sights and shops to explore. If we have the money and energy, I think another RS tour might be in our future for 2023 and beyond as well.