while staying in Venice for 3 days, is it feasable to go to Murano and Burano?
Yes, many people do that.
Feasible, yes. Recommended for your first visit to Venice, no. At least not in my book. They're fine but Venice itself has much more that I find attractive than those two islands. Burano is much farther away and the less interesting of those two. Torcello is another island that's even farther away, but it's unique.
If you feel you have to go to one of the islands, consider just Murano. But beware of the tourist trap glass shops.
I have to agree. I used one of my 4 days in Venice to see the islands and regretted the time spent. I didn't go to Murano, but to Burano - much farther - and to Torcello, even farther. Stay in Venice, see it using Rick's audio guides and you won't be sorry.
I disagree with the other posters. I do think Murano is too touristy, but I loved Burano. We are photographers and the buildings are lovely and quite a photo opt.If you do go get out early . The ride itself is nice. We went on the first boat out and when we were coming back the hoards of people... and I do mean hoardes... were descending on the place. Also, get away from San Marco Square. Wander the back canals and areas of Venice.
I agree with the previous posters. If you have three days in Venice and cannot resist the allure of Murano glass then maybe take the trip but don't expect to be blown away (no pun intended). Torcello I think is quite interesting if you want a glimpse of old Venice as it developed after the fall of western Rome. It was the bishop's seat by the 600s. But this historical interest compelled my visit there on my fifth trip to Venice. If you are a first time visitor it is perhaps beyond the scope of a first tie visit unless you are there for four days or more.
If this is your first visit to Venice, I would just stay in Venice as there is so much to see. Have been there 4 times in the last 7 years, most recently this past July, and love it! Did not go to the islands on first visit as we were there 3 days and there was so much to see right in Venice. On next visit we had more time so did go to Murano and Burano. Absolutely loved Burano! We were there during the evening passagiata (stroll) and it was so much fun to see. Spent 6 nights in Venice this past July with my sisters and went to both Murano and Burano and their favorite was Burano.
Hi Jo -- The simple answer - ABSOLUTELY !! For entirely separate reasons both Islands are a Must see - AND - The best part for you is that it's free!! Wherever you're staying they will send you on a water taxi or vaporetto to both Islands for no cost. Murano is fascinating to simply sit and watch a demonstration of glassblowing and then tour the various rooms of finished pieces that are for sale. Burano is a much more picturesque Island with nice cafes , ladies doing lace and embrodiery and multi colred houses that are very beautiful.
Enjoy and Ciao, Greg