Only have enough time in Venice to go to one. Which should we go to?
I've been to both a few times - I do like Murano because I like to peruse the shops for a small glass bird to add to my collection...but, for sheer prettiness I love Burano - I'm also a (very) amateur photographer, so the colour of the Burano homes makes it a no-brainer for me...besides, I can get a glass bird on Venice proper.
If you wanted to see glass blowing - do look into it. We went into one (we were beckoned in) and they let us watch for 5 min or so, then off to the really expensive gift shop. We dropped into another, less commercial one and watched a guy do a glass horse. He had a tin can for tips. And the glass museum on Murano was interesting in it's own right.
If I was going back (and I will be) and could only do one - Burano just for the colour. Even then, you could hop off in Murano for an hour and have a quick jaunt along the main drag, then head to Burano, since you hit Murano first.
Everyone goes to Murano for the glass, but for sheer beauty Burano cannot be beat. We strolled enjoying the colors, dined in a lovely restaurant, at the table that Charles and Dianne had dined. We purchased a lace table runner that still sits on our dining room table. This was over 20 years ago so I can’t give more specifics.
Burano is my every-year choice. It really is less touristy and so very different. The colors of the houses, the beauty of the lace, the slow walk around town, a relaxed lunch - all that makes for a special day away from the cruiseship crowds in Venice. Take the time to catch the boat over to Torcello. I'm not sure why more people don't go there - the old churches (2) with the amazing mosaic are very special. There's a little museum and a delightful garden restaurant. You can easily do both islands.
Burano - Wander off the main roads into the lanes on the island , and you enter a world of pastel colored houses , with laundry swaying in the breezes , it's better than valium . Watch this clip from the 1955 film " Summertime " , where the lovers spend a retreat there . Better yet , watch the entire film -
We went to Burano and did not regret the choice at all. If you want Venetian glass, it can be found in Venice. Shop carefully. I was more interested in getting lace and really enjoyed the pretty Burano.
Eat at Al Gatto Nero on Burano --- yes, another vote for Burano!
Murano is much closer, if you're trying to maximize your time.
Have been to both. Murano is fine if you like glass blowing, but seeing it once is enough for me. Burano is far more enchanting. The colors, the laid back atmosphere, make me want to go back always.
Been to both Murano and Burano several times and I would vote for Burano. A great escape from the cruise ship masses.
Burano....beautiful island. Murano is all about the same old glass shops....
If you get on the vaporetto at the Fondamente Nove stop (on the "back" of the fish) you can save time getting to the islands.