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Munich airport layover time

For those who fly through Munich: With a connecting flight in Munich, how much time do we need at the airport?. One connecting flight has 1 hour, 10 min - coming from Italy - heading to Canada. Thanks.

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12240 posts

Is it a single ticket/booking with an airline, or a booking through something like expedia?
If the former, its just plain scary; if the latter its suicidal.

I would not be comfortable with such a schedule.

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7054 posts

In the worst case, they'll put you on the next available flight if this is all on a single ticket. Check the schedules and see when the next departing flight is, should you miss the connection. It's not the end of the world, but it may be inconvenient. It's been a few years since I've flown through Munich, so I can't say either way. If you have a choice and you haven't bought the ticket yet, try to build in at least 2 hours connecting time if possible.

Posted by
706 posts

We flew from Pisa to Munich and then on to the United States last summer. We had nearly 3 hours between flights and “barely” made it; we chose not to turn in our VAT tax refund form because we still had one more security checkpoint before our gate.
When we disembarked our plane at Munich, we had a rather long bus ride to the main terminal. We then had to go through security. After that, we had to go through passport control, where there was a long line. Time was dwindling, so we hurried toward our gate, only to realize to get there required a tram ride.
One more security check and we were at our gate, where boarding had already begun.
Before landing, I had envisioned sitting and relaxing with a snack, hoping the wait time wasn’t too long. Did not happen.

Posted by
67 posts

Thank you for your advice, everyone. We will skip that flight combination.

Posted by
1825 posts

We have done an Italy to Boston connection on Lufthansa numerous times (about a dozen) at Munich with such a transfer time. Munich is a fairly easy transfer and we've made it every time. On two occasions when there were delays coming from Italy, an LH rep met us with a car at the plane exit and drove us to a special office for a passport check and then to our gate where the plane to Boston had been held! So a longer transfer would be more relaxing, of course, but a 70 min. transfer is a doable choice.

Posted by
4105 posts

Five years ago it was fine, but with triple security last September it was a real mess. Go with 2 1/2-3 hrs.

Posted by
2140 posts

We have connected twice through Munich, both for the same itinerary: Naples/Munich/Chicago.

We had layovers of 2 hours once, 90 minutes the other, no problem on either. was Lufthansa for both legs each time. I think that makes a big difference, staying with the same carrier.