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motion sick in Venice

Has anyone else experienced motion sickness while on dry land in Venice? I did and was mortified and wish I had known about this.

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23726 posts

Walking??? I know it is possible in moving vehicles but are you suggesting that Venice and walking was the cause. I donot think that is a widely known problem - if it is a problem.

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11613 posts

Never experienced motion sickness, but two years ago during the Emilia-Romagna earhquakes, the hotel I was in in Venice swayed for a few minutes.

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291 posts

I did experience motion sickness on a visit to Venice this summer. We attributed it to all the vaporetto rides. It happened on day 3 of Venice stay and lasted (although very minor) for about 4 more days after leaving Venice. I do have to say I am not normally prone to this, so I was surprised when the symptoms happened.

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901 posts

Interesting! Was it particularly stormy, or were you on some kind of pier and did not realize it. I wonder if there was some kind of trick of the eye happening. I do get motion sickness sometimes, but did not experience it at all while in Venice. I Googled it, and nothing came up except about warnings regarding actual boat rides. Sorry you got sick. Must have been a bummer.

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9110 posts

Either some form of flicker vertigo from light reflecting off the water or something you ate. Or walking around looking at some stupid electronic device. I'd vote for the grub since I've had vertigo more times than you can count and the symptoms go away right after the cause stops. Maybe clogged up ears could cause it too.

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951 posts

Sometimes people go on cruises and get mal debarqment when on land; meaning they get off a boat and feel like they are still on the boat when in fact they are not. I am not sure if a short trip on a vaporetto would be enough to mess the the inner ear/brain circuitry. I wonder if you had some kind of inner ear-itis, an infection of sorts. Maybe even dehydrated; primary sign and symptom of dehydration can be dizziness and poor balance. One can easily become dehydrated in Italy; the wine is so good. I did not find the wave action of the water choppy enough to trigger my visual disturbance that causes me to become motion sensitive. I bet you it was dehydration.

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3696 posts

I have had it a few times (although not in Venice) and have finally figured out the cause is too much caffine in the coffee... besides the fact that I hate the bitter taste it is the reason I cannot drink Starbucks coffee.