We will be traveling to the lake region as well as Florence and Venice. We were wondering if we should bring mosquito repellant with us? Thanks
You will encounter mosquitoes if you travel there in Summer. For nightime you can use Vape products available in Italy everywhere. Basically you plug the little device in the electric socket and the mosquitoes will stay out. They have all kind of repellant products (see below). Vape is a leading manufacturer of these products and you can find them anywhere: http://www.vape.com/en/prodotti_vape_volanti.html One thing I could not find in Italy is the clip on belt repellant. My relatives in Italy like those, so I gave them a bunch that I brought from the US. Maybe I should start an import-export business. These are very useful outdoors while walking around and such. See below:
I was going to offer a humorous comment asking how to say mosquito and mosquitoes in Italian, figuring that would be mosquito and mosquiti. Then I decided to check first,and what do you know, it is really zanzara and zanzare. Not sure they would know the difference, since a rosa by any name would smell as dulce, but you never know, in a pinch you might just talk to them and convince them to leave you alone. :->))) Anonymous
@George.....That's too logical and obvious. Thanks
We always pack mosquito repellent "wipes" made by Off. They take no room and if we need them, they are handy. Especially nice in your Venice room when you want the window open or when hiking near fresh water.
When I was in Venice one October, my hotel provided a Vape like Roberto describes.
I did the same as Laurel and brought wipes.