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Monterosso or Vernazza in the CT?

My husband and I are spending 3 nights in the CT in October. Very torn between Vernazza and Monterosso. RS favors Vernazza but Monterosso seems to have more accommodations to choose from. Is one better than another and why?

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6898 posts

Your analysis is correct. Monterosso is larger and more flat. There is an old town and a new town. More places to stay. However, Vernazza seems to be more preferred for the visual beauty of the town as it sits in the hillsides.

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1446 posts

Hi Allyson. I had the same dilemma when we visited in Sept '09 & I have the same dilemma now that I'm planning our next trip there. We stayed in Monterosso (in the old town) in '09 & I liked it. I am leaning towards staying in Monterosso again but I really liked Vernazza as well so I'm torn. Vernazza is smaller and a little more quaint but I liked Monterosso because it's more flat & there were more amenities, shops, etc. They're both great towns and I don't think you'll go wrong with either choice.

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1127 posts

I stayed in Monterosso and was glad I did. All of the town in the CT are charming but for a 3-night stay I was glad I was in the largest one. I would have gone a bit stir crazy in any of the others.

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791 posts

Monterosso is the biggest and has the most amenities (hotels, restaurants, shopping, etc) but is generally seen as the least "charming" of the 5. Personally I prefer Vernazza but I think they both have their appeal. An interesting fact that most people don't know is that Monterosso was actually "expelled" from the Cinque Terra back in the 40's because it was considered too big but it was readmitted after a year or so. Presumably the name "Quattro Terra" didn't have the same ring to it.

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358 posts

I really like Monterosso and when I return to the CT will stay near the entrance to the old town in one of RS recommended hotels. Lots of nice restaurants in Monterosso along with places to walk along the ocean.

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101 posts

What you really have to decide is what you need in lodging in addition to the charm and characteristics of the town. Vernazza is exactly as RS describes, a sleepy backwater town, backwards, out of time, and has one street from the station to the harbor. The end. One pensione, one albergo, one trattoria with rooms, but many, many rooms for rent independently. IF you can do without the services and coveniences of a TRUE hotel. They are basic rooms at best, with mismatched linens, no TVs (go to a bar if you need to catch a game), no a/c (not an issue anyway), no elevators, no breakfast, sometimes housekeeping is on your own but usually not. Vernazza has enough restaurants and other local necessities to keep me happy, and it is an easy train ride to any other town if you want something different. Monterosso, being the largest of the 5 towns, has everything and more. Monterosso has more accommodations because it is a true beach resort town, with true hotels, as well as all manner of other smaller and more local, independent properties. Old town/new town have different personalities, beach will be closed in October but promenade will still be enjoyable. Many more restaurants, shops, laundry, etc.

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7209 posts

Yes, Monterosso is the largest with the largest beach and the most restaurants and hotels and shopping...and even so I was bored out of my mind after the 2nd night. It's a nice place to see, but Italy has many fabulous places to see - don't waste too much time being stuck in CT!

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132 posts

Why choose between the two? We had the same decision to make on our trip there in 09 and settled on staying for 1 night in Monterosso and 2 nights in Vernazza. Since we travel light and the towns are so close (and conveniently connected by train, boat and trail), it was no big deal to split our time between the towns. We were able to have the unique experience of staying in both towns. It was a great decision that we did not regret.

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21 posts

We had the same situation when we were booking our trip to CT last June. We decided on Monterosso, and stayed at Hotel La Spiaggia, which was right on the water, and a very short walk from the train station. It was recommended in the Rick Steves Guide Book, and was a great experience. The owner, Andrea, goes above and beyond to help your stay be the very best at his hotel.
There are trains to all the towns in CT, so it doesn't really matter where you stay, but we were very happy with our decision to say in Monterosso.

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1003 posts

Is there a reason you are only considering those two? I stayed in Vernazza, and it was fine, but even in late October I found it busy and touristy. My travelmate (friend) and i both preferred Manarola most of all and said that's where we'd stay if we returned. Just throwing it out there.

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12313 posts

I can see why Rick likes Vernazza. I found it the most charming of the group. We were there midweek in late October. We had no problem finding an apartment without advance reservations. The downside of Vernazza in October is the streets are rolled up early. Even though dinner doesn't start until, at least, 7:30, we found everything was shut down by 9:00. No opportunity for a late glass of wine at a seaside cafe. Monterosso is bigger and reputed to have the only nightlife in CT. In that sense, it may be a little more lively in October.

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7 posts

I'm a single guy and I'll be in the 5T in two weeks. I was (am) torn like many of you with staying in Manarola or Monterosso. Manarola because the hostel is there and it looks very picturesque and quaint, and Monterosso because it is larger and has molre nightlife. So I went ahead and reserved both, one night in Manarola at the Hostel Cinque Terre and the second night at Manuel's Guest House in Monterosso. Anyone have any thoughts on that? I'm not super excited about staying in the hostel but would like to mingle with some people there and on the other side of the coin I'd really enjoy staying in a nicer place for one or two nights but don't want to feel too alone in the 5T in March and plus it's more money for the nicer place.

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791 posts

If you're a young, single guy, you should consider at least 1 night in Vernazza. There is a bar there called the Blue Marlin that is famous as "the" place to go for nightlife. It's so famous in fact that Playboy magazine once named it as one of the best bars in the world to...ahem...get laid. They actually have the article hanging up there. We always have a great time there...